Change is risky business little lady: this is a joke I made the other day with a friend. I know what I'm talking about because I have gone out on many a limb and it is the reaction that I observe in others that can make the limb feel thin and ready to drop me or wide and broad enough to hold my weight and even the weight of many others, who may want to come on out there one join me.
Entrepreneurial world
Risk is emotionally charged and can feel life threatening and yet, without taking risk, life is a dull lack lustre day in day out merry go round trip, rotating in a tiny self contained world. By contrast, the entrepreneurial world is rich with risk takers. They boldly go where many dare not: there is a life and limb (using our tree metaphor again) feeling whenever business ideas are conceived and then put into place.
- Who will come?
- How will I pay my bills?
- Is this a good idea?
- Maybe I should just get a real job?
Work the heart
Angst can keep the faint at heart in a holding pattern and yet, taking risk is a way to strengthen the heart muscle. I read an article that inspired me to action, about strengthening this vital organ. Work the heart, like any other muscle, to the point of failure. So I did:
I ran as fast as I could for as long as I could and nearly passed out from the effort. (Please note: I am not giving running advice or suggestions here~I am a trained professional and know my limits, I have no idea about yours).
Effectively more powerful and confident
My point, you ask? I'm here to tell about pushing limits, going as hard as possible, taking the risk of potential failure for the benefit of living through it all, stronger and effectively more powerful and confident in our capacity as human beings than seemed possible before the push: prior to the risk taking. In testing limits, we find out they are much further down the road than we first anticipated. It is this push practice that heightens our desire and drive to achieve, to accomplish, to make our mark in the world. We tell ourselves that we were created for much when we choose to live past perceived limits.
Your heart
Now let's take a good look at your heart:
- What risk do you take in the breaking of your heart when you don't allow it to work at full capacity?
- In other words, how weak to the point of breakage, has your heart become from disuse?
- Have you become faint of heart?
There is an inverse relationship to this scenario. When we do not take risks, when we remain status quo, when we acquiesce to a worldly laziness, we become inept, incapable and decomposed, rotting from the inside out with wasted potential.
Willingness to show weakness
Change is risky business because emotions feel like they might suffocate, drown, and ultimately kill. Many a heart aches with longing for release and is never given the freedom to express and this too, becomes a risk as the heart threatens to explode from the chest, rupture from lack of acknowledgment, lack of attention, lack of exercising what it was created for. The willingness to show weakness by exposing oneself to potential failure can and often does, result in strength gains:
But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me (2 Corinthians 12:9).
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Run in such a way that you may win
Choose strengthening your heartYou are currently in a position, aren't you dear reader? to choose strengthening your heart in the face of risk. You don't have to do this alone, in fact, you simply cannot: but you can choose to run as fast as your heart will allow, to the point of fainting, of failing, of tripping and skinning your knees. The rewards far out way the risks and the badge of honour that you will receive for breaking free from mediocrity, will shine brilliantly forth from that on fire heart of yours.
Answers come with asking questions
- What does your heart need today?
- What risk are you willing to take in order to strengthen this vital organ?
Lastly, we have these words:
Prove me, O LORD, and try me; test my heart and my mind (Psalm 26:2).
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win (1Corinthians 9:24).