Sunday, November 8, 2015


Two years ago, I selected a theme word of surrender as a marker, a reminder of allowing rather than making things happen~the subtlety of watching for clues and being moved rather than trying too hard and forcing~this was my evolutionary soul desire. During the course of the year, my word transformed and I travelled from surrender to follow Spirit, the Holy Spirit residing in me, given as a gift of faith from Christ to His followers. Sounds so delightfully easy, doesn't it? I am a willful person, submission through surrender, trusting God instead of me? Tough pill to swollen as an automated emotionally independent and stubborn human creature. Following Spirit rather than my own self serving wants and childish demands has not been easy and yet, the abundance of blessings bestowed as I connect wholeheartedly with God as my Three in One are astounding. This year, my theme word started out as patience and while everything in life moves, shifts and changes, I too have moved and as before, my word has changed from patience to wait...I will wait. This speaks to my not knowing what, how, when and who? My wise still young son said to me recently "it's none of your business who you coach". He reminded me that I do not work for humans~they are my delight, my joy to engage. My employer is God Almighty and my work is to Glorify Him, work for His praise and acknowledgment. Psalm 39:7 "And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You." What is your soulful theme, your growth area for the coming year? Where does Light need to shine in the darkness of your soul? I surrender as I follow Spirit, patiently waiting for The Good Shepard to lead me. What is your soul statement this very day?

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