Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Forgiveness is an interesting concept closely associated with spirituality. The soul grieves, aches when it feels the sting of judgement and betrayal. The body sends messages of this painful throbbing with shortness of breathe, tight chest as though a hand clenches the heart. Perhaps there is a sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach? Racing, the mind searches for understanding, explanation, some form of relief and solution from what the soul shutters from acknowledging, unwilling to face the horror of truth. Some truths are so cruel, so darkened with basement of the soul horrors that to face them feels like certain death. Feeling sensitive? Appalled perhaps by those who lie, use others for their own gain, hurt YOU because they couldn't see past themselves? Grievous, we must grieve us. Yes, grieving is a must, an essential.

The epidermis is the bodies shield, protector from outside foreign entities that can threaten life. When penetrated by a spear, a wound opens the body to a microscopic world of invaders~without medical care, the invaders are capable of take over and can cause severe perhaps life threatening damage. The body is a natural fighter, designed for healing, for recovery from attack AND it must get what it needs in the form of care for restoration. So too the soul, when under attack, becomes resilient in self preservation efforts AND deserves care, healing balm and medicinal spiritual salve. Restoration starts with acknowledging injury, grieving the pain, and closing the wound...I do not dare simplify forgiveness. I cannot and will not make it an easy effortless you can do it three step process. I can leave aside my human incomplete understanding and turn to The Authority and quote Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." If you have felt the sting of hurt or worse yet, the mortifying of your soul through rejection, being ignored, maligned and or misunderstood, you deserve some tender loving care, you deserve healing. Forgiveness is heroic, it is other worldly, it is, of God. An adaptation from an old Shakespearian quote goes like this: "To err is human, to repent divine, to persist, devilish", Benjamin Franklin. Forgiveness is Grace filled and cosmic, inconceivably vast...a gift modelled by Christ and DNA designed into the human soul~we are, after all, created in His image. 

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