Friday, November 27, 2015

Confidence & Competence

Confidence & Competence. One without the other makes for a weak link in personality presentation. Insecurities can wreak havoc and when they are closely examined, they are like a horde of broken and war torn soldiers, waiting for marching orders and pushed by the spears of fear. The voices say things like: what makes you think you are good enough; who cares what you think; no one will listen to you; you have it good, can't you just appreciate what you have; why bother, it won't make a difference anyway; and my personal favourite..."it's" not worth the effort. How is it that an outside observer can see me/you in all my/your glory, glowing halo and all, and all I/you can see is tarnish, the pitina of time dulling the shine? I think of competence, the capabilities that are acquired with practice and how confidence often times needs to catch up, be in evidence too. You want a point from all this ruminating? What purpose does it serve for me, for you, to be competent and lack confidence? The impact of a powerful perhaps life changing message can be lost in the shuffle when the emotional deck is stacked with insecurity. It is like armed emotional robbery, the messengers tongue is tied in knots, held hostage by some unseen bandant. I recall English class in high school~our task was to memorize and recite a poem to our classmates. My turn came and I stood, unable to utter a word. I can still see the discomfort of my classmates, they too, felt helpless and the pity on their faces was uncomfortable and somehow a comfort all wrapped up in one. They WANTED me to succeed, they WANTED me to deliver...we ALL would have felt better off if I had just spoken, delivered my four lines (the bare minimum for the assignment). I could not enjoy my assignment or anyone else's because I was absorbed with my own lack, my confidence was in my belief I should not be front and centre, that I could, should, hide from public display. Here I am, laid bare, soul exposed...does my message speak to you? What does it say? I am confident in my competence for message delivery and it is in writing that I am truly free. What do you need to be set free from the bondage of tongue, pen fear captivity? Speak, write, who knows what heart needs your words today? One love, one life, all yours to claim. 

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