Monday, October 12, 2015


I have been pondering the relationships Jesus had during his short ministry here on earth. Jesus selected his twelve apostles and with a come follow me wave of the hand, followed closely by multiple miracles including healing of the blind, diseased, demon possessed and raising of the dead, many more became disciples. Within the twelve, Jesus had his trusted three and within the three, Jesus had what is called, his favourite, said to be John. Jesus knew his disciples and could read what was on their minds, their hearts. Some would call it intuition and yet it is far more than this, far more than what the average intuitive, the regular empath can pick up...he saw into a person's past, their present condition and their future, including what would amount to their eternal fate and he would speak it, predicting what was, is and would be. God is like that, he just plain old knows. My curiosity has been revolving around Judas Iscariot, the one who's name is infamously associated with betrayal. Jesus said in John 6:70 Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is the devil. Jesus was not a lamb to slaughter, make no mistake, he knew what his purpose was, what he had come to do and what was required of him. He was the Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. He knew how, when, where, who~the unfolding was for human understanding, not a flip of the script for The Christ. He knew. Bringing us back to Judas~he too knew, what he was doing, why, what the out come would be. He was one of Jesus' friends, a close companion, trusted apostle, breaking bread and drinking wine with God himself. Despite his knowing, seeing, experiencing Jesus in the flesh, he ultimately denied him. It seems beyond crazy to me and in the sickest sense, the extreme and perfect example in narcissistic behaviour and thought. Hanging out with God, following him around, being given the ability to heal JUST LIKE HIM, HOLY COW, that sounds like Heaven on earth to this tiny wannabe like God human! Judas, I shake my head, being with God and just NOT getting it. How about you? He is by your side, do you too, deny him as your God? King James Bible John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed. God chooses, walks along side, invites us to join him and than leaves the rest up to us, come, follow Me is the offer. What will YOU do?

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