Monday, October 12, 2015


What happens when you are expecting company? In my house, there is a flurry of activity starting with menu planning, grocery shopping, food preparation and some major house cleaning. I love what having company represents to my family. This is when we function optimally, bees readying the hive for royal guests. This got me to thinking~what if we were ALWAYS ready for company? What if hospitality defined who we are? There is a sparkling welcome, deliciously scented air, warm hugs and a smiling invitation to enter~it is intimate sharing of space, food, home. The very best of who I am, who you are, shows up when valued company enters my/your dwelling place. There is a readiness to receive and a willingness to share that makes the experience extraordinary. Readiness, being prepared makes ease of entertaining enjoyable for guests and hosts alike. There is a graciousness in the shared experience. Now what about unexpected guests, you ask? What about them? It depends on you...Here is what the Bible says: Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. How prepared are you, to welcome and receive? Whether the company is of the human or Heavenly Host variety, we are called to be hospitable. Kinda wonderful this Thanksgiving day!

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