Tuesday, October 27, 2015

No Guts, No Glory

Forlorn is the feeling when I don't know, when you don't know, what we are here for, what purpose it serves to exist? The age of reckoning is at your doorstep when these questions begin to knock on your heart, stirring your soul. Looking for purpose is a process of self discovery and while the digging around for meaning and worth is consuming, persistence pays off dividends when the moment comes, the sun breaks through the clouds of doubt and THERE IT IS, your REASON for being. Here are some starting point questions for you: What breaks your heart? What makes your heart sing? What would your perfect work day, look and feel like? You can know the answer to these questions by taking the time to figure out what gets your blood pumping and what drives you to action? These are the clues to your purpose and destiny. Here is a quote from General George S. Patton. Jr: "A man must know his destiny, if he does not recognize it, then he is lost. By this I mean, once, twice, or at the very most three times, fate will reach out and tap a man on the shoulder, if he has the imagination, he will turn around and fate will point out to him what fork in the road he should take, if he has the guts, he will take it." Tap tap tap, destiny is trying to get your attention. Our eyes and ears are naturally attuned to what is valuable and important to us. I don't like Opera music, in fact I find it excruciating to endure~it sets my teeth to grinding. I do like music and my ears and imagination perk up when their is a beat, a chorus I can sing along to and a meaningful story that moves me to feel. I got the music in me, it isn't just any old music that will do. You too, have the music in you, your own brand of get you going sound, sights, sentiments. They draw you inexplicably and when you allow the pull, you allow the sweetness of your purpose to come alive. A job, work, a pay cheque, is that all you are worth? NO WAY! You live with a built in Divine Destiny. Now picture the fork in the road that you face. Which path do you choose? We only get tapped by destiny "at the very most, three times"...do you have the guts to claim what is your destiny, and live fully? No guts, no glory.

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