Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Chosen Ones

Christmas Eve morning, 2015. I had an early coffee date with a close friend, starting my day off just right. He is a chosen friend and I like to brag that I have excellent taste and I am inclined to taking credit for spotting the best chocolate in life's box. I am laughing at this because there is chocolate of the mundane give me a headache variety and than, there is tongue running over the lips in anticipation rich melt in the mouth mmmmmm variety of REAL savour the flavour chocolate. Which kind do YOU want? Ok ok, back to my excellent taste. My very closest friends have all been of the highest quality and variety of chocolates, they are the delectable ones. I can spot them and feel their gravitational pull within moments of being in their presence. A really astounding narrowing in on them feeling comes over me as everything else fades and disappears. In a room full of people, they end up being the only ones that I can see and hear, the chosen ones that get my full on attention and almost immediate affection. I am a good listener when it comes to hearing the internal cues that point me in the direction of go, speak with THAT one, you are meant to be friends with him/her. Big breath with happy sigh, I have some amazing friends and playmates. So my morning coffee partner, he is one of the chosen ones, lucky him! I am laughing again as I write this because to take me too seriously would be a mistake-I am not arrogant, I am confident. Confident that I am led by God, that He wants me to go see, go do, be with His matches for me. When I feel the inexplicable pull to another, it is natures push that sets me off in pursuit of something yet to be tasted, explored, savoured. If happy taste buds can be compared to soul satisfaction, it is the edifying of my soul and the expansion of another with me as witness that makes me follow Gods leading every time I dare to step out and toward another to capture some intangible delight that awaits me. You can wait to be picked and perhaps even rejected, or you can allow your homing pigeon like natural abilities to lead you to your own soul candy, your own chosen ones, the ones that God designed to be your playmates. Warning, your chosen ones will make you laugh, cry, spill your guts all over the table between you and make you want another coffee or lunch date immediately. Declarations of love may be in your future.  

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