Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Triggers and Donald Trump

Trigger-a small device that releases a spring or catch and so sets off a mechanism, especially in order to fire a gun. Alternatively, a trigger can be defined as-an event that is the cause of a particular action, process, or situation. My husband and I have been entertained by Donald Trump. Watching this narcissist display his "extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration" is both riveting and alarming. Look at the first definition of trigger above. What do you suppose the small device is in Donalds' brain that sets off his self serving spring, allowing him to shoot off his mechanistic mouth, with endless rounds of gibberish and non-sensical rhetorical bouts of stupidity? Now take a look at the second definition of trigger above. While watching this egomaniac it becomes clear that any threat to his self image demands a particular action and in his case, a verbal response in the form of attack and banishment from his Trump kingdom, putting an "end, an end to it all". The dictionary describes this type of behaviour as a personality disorder. I am not a clinician, I am an observer, dumbfounded by the complete lack of judgement of a man on rampage, running for President of The United States of America. More alarming than this, is the possibility of a popular vote for this strange little man...my natural inclination is to not watch, to not give him the time of day and yet, the world is a scary and scared place and I must watch this train wreck waiting to happen, if only in the high hopes of ultimately seeing a derailment, a full stop put on this one car driving without an engineer's license maniac. Thats my rant for the day, plus this: Proverbs 10:19 "When there are many words transgression is unavoidable but he who restrains his lips is wise." Oh and I can't resist this one while I'm at it: It is better to be silent and thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt...yes, I wrote this while smirking. 

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