Sunday, September 6, 2015

Fine Lines

I have been thinking about fine lines and when and how they get crossed. One of mine is when I travel sideways and over the thin line from being discerning to being judgemental. Discernment is a gift of the spirit and means the ability to judge well. Judgemental is defined as having or displaying an overly critical point of view. I can feel when I am crossing over to the dark side because I have a strong need to be right, to justify my opinion or take on a given situation. Being judgemental is a red danger zone for me because in relationship, it leaves very little room for autonomy and freedom of expression for other. Discernment, on the other hand, presents as a gift for both parties, information that can be shared, observed that is clean and pure without the taint of human muddying. With discernment, truth can be shared in safety, even if the truth is painful. The gift part of the discerning are the options that become available to choose what is next, to judge what is prudent, wise, beneficial. Discernment is knowing a truth, being judgemental is having an opinion and it may very well be far far from the truth. What are your lines? When do you cross over to the dark side? What excuses do you make for "going there"? What brings you back into The Light or is darkness your perpetual keeper? What lines are you willing to draw in the sand...oh wait, that's a whole other topic. 

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