Monday, September 28, 2015


That's good, but it would be better if...I like it, why don't you try this next time...what do these statements mean to you? Have you ever heard them directed toward you? Have you ever heard them, coming out of YOUR mouth and directed towards another? Perfectionists everywhere, beware, these are the words that strike at the heart of the receiver and I'm wondering, how often are these words turned inward? Don't mistake my message. Excellence is valuable and attainable~aspiring to excellence is well, excellent. The point I am making is that the above statements are insults robed in subtlety and supposed helpful tips and hints and the message is that whatever has been delivered is not quite good enough and with a few touches from an expert, vast improvements can be made. Where does that leave the corrected one, the person who's efforts and product or service lacks a certain something? I don't know, you tell me? I'm not a perfectionist and I am thankful for this because I have much delight over kind gestures, imperfect compliments and the sincerity wrapped up in strange and wonderful gifts. I am forgiving of mistakes because I make them all the time and ask for forgiveness all the time, how sweet for me! No room for perfection around here and I'm happy about that because of the head and heart space it affords me to think and be this way. It's fun being took some time to not take myself too seriously and now that I'm here, I'm a good time. How about you, is it fun being YOU?

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