Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Feel It To Heal It

You touch a hot pan and instantly, you feel the burn and using good sense, you reach for ice or some other remedy to stave off blistering. You touch a hot pan, you feel the burn and make a mental note that there will be a blister later, you continue cooking, company is coming and you put off dealing with what will be an evident injury soon enough. In your preparation frenzy, you can feel that spot on your arm, demanding attention. The arm is not impeding your progress, you carry on and as planned, dinner is served. While sharing your wonderful food with good friends, you lift a glass, toasting your company and there it is, for everyone to see. You had forgotten about the burn and now the person across the table from you says "ouch, that's quite the blister, that must have hurt!". Suddenly, it does hurt, or maybe it hurt all along...you dismiss the injury, it's nothing, it will heal, "anyone for dessert?" you cheerfully ask? Company leaves, you are alone and somehow, the blister hurts more than it did beforehand, and you wonder how that is possible? Distraction served a purpose and now here you are, you and your pain causing burn. What will you do to heal the hurt you feel? How will you take care of yourself? You know what I am driving at. You may bury your pain, the hurts and injuries that life and people have caused and yet, they are still there, wanting you to turn your attention to them for the healing they deserve. You may believe that no one can see your pain and I am here to tell you that like a blister, pain eventually leaks out and discerning care filled eyes and ears look for see and hear your masked pain. You are the one, the brave and bold soul that must acknowledge your injury, pay attention to the healing remedy you require and take hold of your own wellness~you've got to feel it to heal it, know it's there to show you care, about YOURSELF. Once you acknowledge your hurt, there are people who want the very best for you, waiting to be by your side as you take steps to fortified strength. You are wondrously made and healing is available, help yourself today. 

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