Thursday, September 17, 2015

Time in a Bottle

Death, dying, the edge of them both. How to live knowing that death is eminent? Do you face it head on, say hello death, I see you lurking there in the shadows, waiting for me, a thief ready to steal what is not yours. How about this, I see you not death, you do not exist in fact, I will cheat YOU, you have no say, no hold on me, I AM and I CHOOSE. Sigh, both weaken me and feel like a fight, bravado, a human approach to a supernatural extravaganza. Dying truly is a solo act in many ways because our souls are attached to our bodies and we each travel independently of one another in these vehicles of pain and pleasure. Heavy on my heart is death too soon for the many who suffer the persecution of a body that has turned against them, like an army of enemy soldiers who have breached the wall of protection and freely ravage and destroy~this is an unbelievably cruel living hell, one perhaps that only death can free a person from. Then, does death become welcome friend? I have not yet visited that threshold and can only wonder, even marvel at it from here. I am not afraid of death AND I am well aware that life is my greatest God given gift. I read recently that time is everyone's most precious commodity~the song Time in a Bottle comes to mind and makes me long for more of it, with those that have gone before me, across to the other side. You have someone you love that you miss and haven't seen for a while, spoken to? Tell them now, you miss them, love them, pray for them, that you care. It may be the gift that heals you both.

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