Saturday, March 19, 2022


What's the hurry?
Your ASAP doesn't mean I have to hurry ... these are the wise words a friend spoke to me years ago. She was teaching me about pressure. The lesson was, just because you are in a hurry for me to get something done according to your timetable, does not mean I have to become Speedy Gonzales. Your, as soon as possible, is not my command to start running ... to the finish line you have pre-selected.

There is reasonable, and then, there is outrageous. Outrageous is imposition, reasonable is considerate. 

My question is, what's the big fat hairy hurry? 

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him that prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass (Psalm 37:7)

Rest in the Lord
Wait patiently for him
Fret not thyself
Because of him that prospereth in his way
Because of him that bringeth wicked devices to pass

With these short sentences stacked, this scriptural advice takes on new significance. We have been subjected to a hurry now, worry later timetable, that has many reeling back and wondering, what just happened? How did I help that guy over there prosper by using wicked devices in his favour, against my well-being? How did this happen to me?

Great slick sales pitches
Being subjected to pressure and urgency from sources outside of self, ought to sound alarm bells in a person's being. I don't know about you, dear reader, but I have fallen for some pretty great slick sales pitches in my lifetime, and lived to kick myself for it afterward, wondering how I could have been so naive? The sales people were most excellent liars, and they played on my emotions ... that's how! 

This explanation is simplistic and feels pathetic to admit, since I fell for the scheme. With lies the shameless steal from the misled who desire to trust. It is always the sped up timeline that works best for the felon and conversely, causes confusion and chaos for the misused who believe they are getting something of worth in exchange for their money, time, talent, efforts, investment, emotion. 

On a grand scale, this is what has happened, and I am wondering about your timeline, dear reader.

Imagine all aspects
When I work with coaching clients, one of the exercises I like to lead them through is creating their perfect day. I ask them to imagine all aspects of how they would like to live into the time they are given, starting with when they would like to awaken each morning. Let's do this exercise together, shall we? You may want to get out your favourite pen or pencil, and a pad of paper, or perhaps your journal. Do give yourself permission to dream, without self-editing or talking yourself out of things, because they don't seem "practical". Design your day, according to your desires. 
  • Where is the sun when you open your eyes in the morning? Do you rise with it, or is it still asleep?
  • What is the first thing you enjoy doing when you wake up?
  • What time is breakfast? 
  • What time is it now?
  • When do you start work, school, exercise ... your first big activity of the day? 
  • What does your work consist of? What are you studying? What do you like to do for exercise? 
  • What would you do with your days if there was not limit or restriction? 
  • What is your favourite pastime? 
These are basic preference questions, but dear reader, when I do this exercise with people, they say things like, "I don't know" and, "I have never thought about this stuff before". It is surprising to them to consider the possibility of having a schedule that suits them perfectly by design. For many, it has never crossed their mind, that they have been marching to the tune of an invisible band that is off key and playing music they can't even stand! 

Is this you? Is it someone you love? Does this describe a whole herd of humans that you associate with at work or in your personal life? The questions slow us down, and they don't have to be the ones I listed above ... questions s.. l.. o.. w  us  d.. o.. w.. n, and give us the opportunity to take our time before we rush headlong into what might be, a disaster waiting to happen! 

Rest in the Lord
Wait patiently for him
Fret not thyself

This is sage advice that can be taken at any given time. Now is as good a time as any, wouldn't you agree, dear one? No hurry, no worry ... rest and wait on the LORD, without a moment of fretting, and He will take care of those that device wicked schemes. 

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