Wednesday, March 23, 2022


I have a close friend who's sibling is her polar opposite. They are twins but one of them is wicked, conniving, sneaky, and filled with avarice. The other one is my pal and she is thoughtful, kind, forthright, and generous: of COURSE I am friends with the good twin, dear reader!

Today my pal shared how her sibling from the womb attempted to impose her will and ways. My friend has figured out the games her sister plays, and that is a good thing. When we figure out that someone we love actually hates us, to the point of wanting to malign and manipulate us, into believing we have to work harder to be accepted by them, then we are set free. More simply stated, behaviour doesn't lie, and cruel people act in ways that show what is in their heart. When hate resides there, hateful behaviours show up in words and deeds. 

Avarice is one of those vile serpentine states of mind that wind around a persons soul, choking out the potential goodness that could reside there. Being selfish is always a choice. When getting grubby grabby hands onto someone else's money is the goal, the covetous can become aggressive, insulting, insinuating, and cruel. Sneaky becomes a way of life, and relationship casualties are the price they are willing to pay to get what they feel entitled to have. 

Lies worn on faces
The wicked twins duplicity grates on my friends honesty. It would appear to the observant, that misrepresentation of truth is a way of life for countless people, wouldn't you agree? Let's admit together, dear reader, lies have been worn on faces for nearly two years. Lies were injected into arms for over a year (more like decades). Lies were poured like melted butter over half baked couch potatoes, thirsty for something tasty, that only served to make them sluggish, and disinclined to get up, and get going, into the fray.

What are we left with? I am pleased to say, we are in a very good position with the current state of affairs! With so many feeling comfortable being obviously wicked, it makes the truth tellers look like 100 watt bulbs! We are learning quickly whom it is we can trust, and by comparison, who is diabolically dangerous. 

Identifying label
Dear reader, we are in an extraordinary position to get our own houses in order. Who you are shows up in the world. If you were to wear an identifying label on your shirt front, what would it say? What kind of reputation do you have? What do people say about you, when you are not in the room ... because they do, say stuff about you ... you do know this, right?

We are known by who we show up as
We are either loved, hated, disdained, dismissed, admired or adored. 

This is a limited list, but these are the familiar sentiments currently prevailing, aren't they? 

I was in the grocery store today, and saw truth on display. Facial expressions spoke volumes, and it was a sight to behold. I got a compliment on my face when I went into a pharmacy, and I have to tell you, dear one, that if my face looks anywhere near as lovely as the uncovered faces of those I looked upon today, I can see why the wicked ones prefer them covered. 

Faces are beautiful ... the duplicitous prefer to hide behind facades, otherwise known, as masks.

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, 
are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18)

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