Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Love Notes


While in Marshall's yesterday, I was admiring the coffee mugs and discovered this love note. I grin as I type, confident that the person that placed it in this mug, placed many more 💖

If we believe the news and all of the horrific messaging meant to decimate the mind, with the ultimate goal of destroying the soul by eroding any and all belief in God, then we are in a perilous position. 

This love note is more than a counter to the hate filled social media messages, it is a hope filled reminder that normal isn't the sought after holy grail, it is heaven with Jesus ruling and reigning that we are to desire and look forward to!

The mediocre propose
My question is, what is so attractive and appealing about normal? Why would any of us want this? The mediocre propose that normal is desirable, suggesting that we return to the numb, dull, and boring state of simply surviving, as we were prior to the world suddenly coming to what felt like a screeching halt. Those that would have us believe that we can "have our pathetic lives back again" also want us to conclude that they will be the ones returning us to "normal." 

I want extraordinary
I don't know about you, dear reader, but I want extraordinary. I find it entertaining that the power and control mongers believe they are the keepers of all that excites and delights, when what they really are, is shadow casters: they dim the light within themselves by clinging tightly to the belief that they have some mystical understanding that will ultimately save them from death and make them into gods. They are the deluded trying to delude ... the blind leading the blind ... the damned attempting to pull people with them into hell. 

The lovie that took the time to type out, print, and then strategically place this note, knows something that the satan soaked have yet to learn but will, soon enough. Jesus will be returning, and:

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen (Revelation 1:7)

When he returns, those that pierced him, will wail. When we recall that Jesus died for the sins of the world, we recognize this means He died for our sins too, that He went to the cross and paid for our transgressions. We are included as those that pierced Him. 

However, by the grace of God, we are forgiven of our sins by putting our faith in Him, repenting, and sinning no more. Don't ask me how all of this astounding gifting is worked out by God: all I know is I am a new creation because of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I am not an apologist, I am a believer. No matter how I try to explain the mysteries of faith and the marvellousness of placing all my trust in the trinity, I simply cannot "convert" a soul ... that is the work of the Almighty. 

I am not alone
My work is to be an ambassador for heaven. I am a walking-talking-typing billboard. I love Jesus and I want everyone to know Him too! Apparently I am not alone, because someone took the time to share their love of Jesus, by placing a note in a mug on a store shelf for just the right person to find. The finder and keeper of the love note will discover that God loves them, and wants them to experience the extraordinary life He has designed them for, in Christ. 

We are not things to be put on a shelf, waiting to get a life. If you are reading this, you have already been given a life, and what is stopping you from fully embracing the gift you have? A good friend sent this short and sweet note, verse 64 in Psalms; I am adding the verse that came before it, to remind you that you are always in most excellent company, when you belong to the body of Christ:

63 I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.
64 The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy statues 

Compare and contrast if you will, all the drivel ushering out the mouths of those that propose you submit to their death wishes, to the love notes God places in the most obvious locations! God is not subtle, He is forward and makes His love evident.

Evidence: ground for belief, obviousness, testify, witness

Dear one, everywhere you look there is evidence of His love, His magnificence, His ever and always presence. He leaves love notes littered all over the place, all we need do is look for them, and we shall, find. 

I am not sure who left the love note in a mug. I didn't even open the letter, because I knew it was not for me ... it was for someone that needs to know that they too, are not alone. That note may save a life, and more valuable than this, it may save a soul.

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