Thursday, March 31, 2022

Soul Sifting

Powdery fluffy form
I feel as though we are being sifted. There is a refining process in the sifting. You cannot sift a boulder, a rock, or even a pebble ... grind these down to sand, and perhaps, not even the sand could pass through the tiny mess openings. Flour, made from ground wheat has a chance. In its powdery fluffy form, it can be churned and pressed through the mess from the top side to the bottom. Same flour, transformed into a more delicate version of itself that somehow makes for better quality outcomes, in baking. 

Pulpy powder
What if the opposite is true for humans? What if the boulder of our faith, the rock on which we stand, and the pebbles we call principles, ought never to go into the grinder, the soul sifter that would have us ground to a pulpy powder.

Standing on faith in a wicked world is the only solid ground to be found. Being warned that Satan desires to sift us, like he did Simon Peter, feels about right in our current state of debauched affairs. Satan has done significant sifting already, and there is evidence that many who espoused to faith in the living God, did this easily, without feeling the churning of the grinding arm. Theirs was a faith not based on facing off with the enemy of their souls, theirs was a pastry paltry faith, fluffy in its substance. 

I have had some rude awakenings in the past couple of years. I know this is true for you too, dear reader. We saw evidence of weak willed people prior to global catastrophe brought on by the seed of the devil, and in recent years, our hair has blown back by the winds of dramatic change. 

I can hardly recognize people I previously admired and trusted to share the truth. Who are you? is what I want to ask. It would appear that in times of tribulation, we become all of the hidden things that were always there, but now get far too much air time. A fearful person becomes more obviously fearful, and perhaps, a brave person becomes that much more courageous, in the sifting. And a selfish person ...

Smooth sailing
The pretend giants of faith now define their stance, their lives, their ways based on worldly schemes and plots. The Way, the Truth, The Life, was just something to profess when times were smooth sailing, nothing was at risk, and it sounded pretty to the ears of listeners. 

When it comes to sin, these fellas have trumped and one upped each other ... They blaspheme God, they curse themselves, and they damn their fellow man by being apostate. They look to humans for their cues of what to do next, rather than to the Sovereign, that has saved them countless times without them acknowledging Him. 

Sifted, they are being sifted for baking in the heat of an oven from which they shall never cool ... Sure thing, I am being suggestive here. I will leave off and you can imagine the fate of those that deny the living God, in favour of those that pretend to be in charge of the fate of the world. 

Sch-wab sounds like a brand of Q-Tips. If only ears were cleaned out so they could hear the truth, each time this man opens his mouth.

Okay one more ... let us Sch-wab the decks of mercenaries, so the captives can be set free! 

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