Sunday, March 13, 2022

Peace Assassin

Carry on
I coined a phrase as I sought the pesky hair that had lodged itself into the fabric of the back of my shirt: peace assassin.

When I am working out, reading, working with a client, or trying to fall asleep, I often feel the knowing tickle, the one that says, "Come find me". When reaching into the back of my shirt to fish the wanton hair out from it's hiding place, I occasionally have the satisfaction of catching it between my fingers and removing it, with an "Ah huh, I got you, you little bugger". Once this occurs, I carry on with whatever it was I was working on before the annoying interruption. I'm not always that fortunate, and with some irritation, I have to take off my top (not in front of a client of course ... I remove myself to a private location!), to use my eyes to find the culprit, the peace assassin. 

We don't realize how very valuable peace is until of course, it becomes some kind of phantom of our imagination, as in, did we ever really have it, and will we have it again? I am going to say that most people have never really had peace, nor will they in the near or distant future, and not at all for the reasons you might presume, dear one. Peace must be sought after to be acquired: everything worthwhile in live is.

I invite you into my reasoning

Soar and swoop
My life is becoming more peaceful, more serene, and more tranquil as the days literally, grow longer. The world outside the walls of my house is strange, and I barely recognize what has happened to the human race. With this said, nature hasn't changed one iota. The songbirds calling to one another first thing in the morning tell me that all is well, that today they will chirp, eat and drink, soar and swoop, perch and sleep, amongst other things. They are completely content and know not the trouble humans are engaged in. It is not that they don't care, it is simply, not their business. 

What is their business? I suppose it is the same business that you and I engage in, dear one. To chirp and sing to one another, eat and drink, soar and swoop, perch and sleep, amongst other things. Birds do this well without thought, but you and I, we are a different kind of bird species. We don't always do well what we were designed to do, in fact, many fly in the opposite direction of what is good and lovely, admirable and worth repeating. 

Song birds sing, calling out to one another ... peace assassins go from being an annoying interruption, to an irritation, to a situation: something we have to figuratively take off our shirts for and deal with. 

In numerous ways
I think I have come to the conclusion that I have borrowed a lot of trouble from other people's nests over the years. How they feather their nest, why they do as they do, what materials they use, how it may harm them or others. These ways of looking at others has assassinated my peace, in numerous ways. I can chirp, I can sing, I can call to my feathered friends about their nest, the life they are living, but each bird must live his own life, selecting the good, the bad, the ugly, the vulgar, the beautiful the ... the elements that make up the nest of their lives. 

I can live my life too. Along side them. They may like what they see. They may hate what they see. They may like my song. They may plug their ears and hope I stop chirping. Ultimately each bird has his own nest, and how he tends it is between him and His Maker. I say all this not because I don't care, I care immensely! What I don't care for, is the borrowing of trouble, from other: it assassinates my peace.

I have thrived
I have had tribulation, it isn't new to me. I have also lived through it when it felt like it may have mortally wounded me. I can say I not only survived, I have thrived, not by my strength but by the strength of the Almighty. I stated above most people have never really had peace, nor will they in the near or distant future, and not at all for the reasons you might presume, dear one. 

Here are my reasons for believing most people have never had, nor will they have, peace:

1 They cause their own troubles
2 They mind other people's business
3 They don't know God
4 They don't seek God
5 They reject God as their strength
6 They travel into nests that don't belong to them
7 They envy other birds
8 They are never satisfied
9 They haven't figured out why they are here
10 They chirp but do not take action
11 They distract themselves with things they cannot fix ... 
12 They repeat what they hear
13 They have yet to discover, that living vicariously isn't living at all

I sure do hope this doesn't sound like a condemning list ... it is observational. I have addressed my own tendencies to deviate from God's perfectly peaceful plan, as I consider what must be my focus if I am to live into peace, serenity, and tranquility, no matter what comes my way. 

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: 
because he trusted in thee (Isaiah 26:3)

The enemy of our souls loathes the peace of Christ. He despises those that have discovered that the world will not give them what they crave the most: a soul satisfying and savoury existence at the feet of the Saviour! Peace assassins disappear, when our minds are trained to trust in Him 💖

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