Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Four Absolutes

 I am reading a most wonderful book, given to me by a thoughtful friend. It is entitled  life is messy, by MATTHEW KELLY

Let us explore the Four Absolutes, principles I read about in Kelly's book that were developed in the 1900's to deliver people from alcoholism. They are:

1. Honesty. Is it true or false?
2. Unselfishness. How will this affect other people?
3. Purity. Is it right or is it wrong?
4. Love. Is it ugly or is it beautiful?

Honestly, while reading life is messy, I had to ask myself: Have I been influenced by truth or falsehood over the past couple of years? Answer: both!

Unselfishness or selfishness, is something that shows up when I think about the impact we have on one another. When I took a close look at my social media accounts, I saw selfishness there, a desire to express what I felt about what I saw, whether true or false, and I didn't always consider affect on others. 

Purity about being right, being wrong, is never mine, until I look to the Light of the world and see that nothing compares to His perfection. I have been extremely muddied, wrong a whole lot, and can represent the pure, can only be purified, and only be purity, when what I say is righteous, not just right in my own eyes in the moment. 

Love looks and sounds lovely. I watched a Shrek movie last night, and the actor that did the voice over for the cartoon villain Rumpelstiltskin, had the most irritating voice, which of course, was the point. His voice matched his wicked conniving character. I see how this is true for me, when I am irritable and reactionary. I am pretty confident I look and sound ugly. Love is always beautiful to behold and hear. 

So, you may at this point think that sunshine and roses is what I am aiming at being from this point forward. That isn't quite the direction I know to be honest, unselfish, pure or loving. I have tried being perfectly all those things, but alas, my perception of what they should look like was no where near what God sees them as.

Honestly, dear reader, I want to be unselfish and pure in my loving ways. This means I must do what is suggestive in the four absolutes:  I must measure my plans against the check list, prior to taking action.

Here I go. Come with me! 

1. Is what I am about to say or do based on truth, or what I perceive to be true? How do I know the difference?

RULE: When in doubt, check it out. Still not sure, wait.

2. When I write something, post a picture, speak to open ears, how will what I share affect them?

RULE: Consider intentions. What message do you want to convey? Does it align with your mission and purpose in life?

3. Is what I am conveying right or wrong, and by what standard ... 

RULE: Consider scripture. Chances are good that what is righteous will make me humble, not holier than thou

4. Is what I want to convey ugly or beautiful. Do I get a false sense of pretty that is really a message that feels dirty and somehow cruel? 

RULE: Recall that love is always beautiful, while sometimes painfully honest. Love tells the truth, and is a kindness, even to ears that would rather hear something else. Deliver with kindness.

I know God is doing a work in me. I know what I am up against. I have history, and so do you. I have experienced the opposite of what the four absolutes look, sound and feel like. It is a battle to be honest, unselfish, pure, and loving. My humanness gets in the way while my saintly side says, you can be godly, because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit!

Being reminded of what internal life can look like so that we can be conscientious about what shows up on the outside of us, is a helpful way of recalibrating to God and His will, HIs ways. While I read and finish this book, I think of the person that gave it to me. She wanted me to experience the four absolutes, and yet I am confident, she did not give me the book with this specific intention in mind ... it was the book title that drew her. 

She knew the book was for me. I could have just read past the absolutes and carried on with myself, as though all was good and nothing needed fixing, readjusting, affirming, shifting. I could have given that part of the book a nod and said, "oh yes yes, I live these everyday, every way" ... but that would be an unloving, impure, selfish and dishonest approach to the truth. 

Suffice it to say, that there will always be evidence of growth or stagnation in each of us. What was, does not have to continue to be. While snow sprinkles the world just outside my window, there can be springtime newness. I look forward to the opportunities life presents to be more honest, less selfish, more pure, and more loving too.

With God's help and me seeking it perpetually, I will live the four absolutes, all for His glory, and delightfully, my peace and pleasure. 

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