Sunday, March 6, 2022

My Heart

Favourite earrings
I am chuckling as I type. I have committed to fifty writing pieces in fifty days for my fourth book, Soulful Sojourns. Given my commitment to daily writing, I am perpetually in a state of ears perked and pen ready for ideas and inspiration. The other day I noticed one of my favourite earrings missing from my bedside table, and "Oh no" came from my mouth as I thought about the possibilities for its disappearance. 

God is so good
What came quickly to mind was Kleenex. At the risk of sounding wimpy, I confess that I cry a lot, especially when I am praying or reading scripture. God is so good that I get overwhelmed when reminded of His abundant love, faithfulness, and providence! Accumulating 5-6 waded up tissues in one go is the norm, so when I cleared the tissues away and noticed a missing earring, I wondered if I had thrown it out with the last batch? An "Oh my gosh" came from my mouth as I realized, yesterday was garbage day! Did my heart get thrown out with the rest of the garbage? 

My favourite frequent flyer earrings are hearts with catch the light bright white and pink Swarovski crystals. The thought of losing one made me ever so slightly upset, and gave me some urgency to check the garbage pail to see if my heart was in there!

That's the part that made me chuckle, the metaphor! Who threw my heart on the garbage heap, and is it still there? Is it too later, or can I retrieve it? 

Battered and bruised
I am resistant to heart damage but I do admit, that it has been battered and bruised more often then I care to count. This is the human condition, isn't it dear reader? If you don't feel anything, your heart is emotionally dead, or it has stopped beating. Either condition is unpleasant to consider, so let's agree that having a tender heart is valuable, and far more appealing than the alternatives. 

Being honest
So my heart, was it lost forever? Did the remaining earring have to limp through life, never to be one part of two again? Okay I confess, I find myself chuckling at the sad imagery and mockable metaphors, one more time. If I am being honest, underneath the playful ruminating I am wondering: will I ever have my mate, my match that makes me feel catch the light bright white and pink? Will I have that crystalline feeling one gets when in love with their imperfect perfect reflective mate?

Answer: I don't know, but I sure do hope so! 

My heart
So about my earring. I went to the garbage pail and with hope, lifted out the small pile of accumulated tissues. My heart was there, waiting to be sought after and found. Chuckle chuckle. It was only in the garbage pail for but a fleeting moment in time before retrieval by someone that cares! If I don't care for my own heart, dear reader, why should anyone else?

Your heart is valuable too, dear one. Don't let anyone trample on it or throw it out with the trash. It was designed for love ... 

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