Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Moral Injury

I learned new terminology yesterday, moral injury. When I heard these two words coupled, it stopped me in my thinking tracks. I realize as I type, that moral injury is new phraseology for something very old and still in fashion, otherwise known as SIN!

Ah, dear reader, how very exciting! Marketers continue to break mind bending  ground by renaming ancient concepts, in an attempt to throw truth blood hounds off track. When I heard the combined words moral injury, it was in the context of workers having agreed to do something their employers demanded of them, that they did not want to do. Said employees were to be assisted with their injury of conscience, as though they could be coached into believing that their sin of self-betrayal, was something healable, with a new attitude and perspective. 

If only it were that easy ... 

We humans have this wonderful capacity to override our morals when we choose to make decisions that are neither healthy, nor are they holy, when confronted with an either or scenario. It looks something like this:

If you do not willingly have sex with me, then you are fired. I don't give a damn that you are married, that you have children, that you don't want to, or that your "god" says it isn't ok. Either you do it or you don't. 

Do it, we good, don't, and I will find someone else who will, AND they will be grateful to ME for making sure they have money to pay their bills. What will it be, yes or no, and hurry the hell up, I don't have all day. 

Cranked the dial
Violation of morals isn't new, and neither are power imbalances. There isn't a human alive that has not be subjected to, and objectified by, both. The fact that someone cranked the dial and we are all feeling the spin, ought to have us cock our respective heads into question position, and consider, how do I want to address this issue, from this point forward?

Compromising of integrity
When I think of those that compromised their morals being injured, I have significant concern for them. They are boiling and about to burst, because every day they go into their place of work, is one more day of built up steam, with resentment brewing. One degree of higher heat, and they will spill over the top with lava like hatred. There are only two places for loathing and resentment to go, inward or outward. Either way, humans will express their sorrow and hurt, disappointment and outrage in unhealthy ways, especially when they have colluded with those that demanded they compromise their integrity; AND when they don't get help from the healthy. 

There is nowhere that compromising of integrity has happened more severely, and cruelly, than in the care for others professions. Satan has done a fantastical job of toying with and playing on, the compassion funny bones of health care providers. Sacrificial love is mocked by master manipulators. They have taken the kindness in those that want to serve, and used it as a weapon against the lovie. Those in the healing and helping professions are now the most wounded. 

Love and compassion
The health care provider needs love and compassion now, more than ever before. They have been misused, and it hurts my heart to see what has happened to so many, without regard for the long term impact and complications resulting from their unwilling agreement to "things required" of them. 

Regret, remorse, and finally, God willing, repentance for integrity breaches, are stepping stones for healing the hearts of the wounded; those that morally compromised their very souls, and feel the deep anguish of personal injury. They have firstly sinned against God, because they knew they ought not to do, what they did, and did it anyway. And secondly, they sinned against their own being, and their conscience screams at them daily, who can I trust ... I can't even trust myself ...

There is hope

God is merciful. God is kind. God is forgiving.

When we call out to Him for the healing balm of love that only He can provide, He hears and answers the hurting, the morally injured, and He can be trusted with your mind, your heart, and your spirit. 

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path (Proverbs 3:5-6)

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)

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