Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Fear and Trembling

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) 

I realize why I write. It took me a bit of time, to sort out and understand the compulsion, the urge that could not be abated with anything other than ink to paper or finger tip taps to keyboard. I am working out my salvation, in a private and public way. Without this, I am bereft, floating in a sea of thoughts and emotions that threaten to pull me into a Bermuda like triangle, never resurfacing. 

Last night I had a dream. I was naked and walking down the street. I tried desperately to cover my private parts. I have had similar dreams recently, but last night's remains vivid in my memory, and it had me wondering, what the heck is that about? I looked up some symbolism on the internet, but none of the explanations helped. So I did what works best for me, I took out a journal and began to write. It was there that I discovered what the dreams were about.

I realize that I am valiant in my efforts to expose the naked truth, even to myself. Sometimes with great pains I willingly uncover all that is yucky in me so that I cannot hide. Sometimes, I am so off base with what I think is true, that I have to suffer the embarrassment of admitting how very wrong I was! 

The truth is, all I truly value, is the truth ... this means I have to be honest with myself, even when it hurts, because to self-deceive is treacherous, a betrayal of all that is good and worthy of our efforts and adoration. When I say I am valiant, it is determination that I reference ... I am determined to obey, not just when someone is watching, but when I am alone with my bad self, minus condemning witnesses.

Today I write with fear and trembling, and with a sense that without reverence for God, nothing really matters. It occurred to me the other day that while I refer to people as, dear reader, or dear one, I don't always love like He does. This is the hideous part of me that I pray God rids me of ... I want to love like Jesus 💖

It is easy to look at the world with wounded eyes. Imagine if that was how God saw us? I shudder to think of how quickly we would all be blinked out of existence. Man alive, God puts up with a lot of nonsense! 

I close with clothes!

I am grateful for the covering of Christ

I am grateful for many things, many people, and mostly, for the love God freely gives without hesitation 

The truth is, God is love (1 John 4:8)

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