Thursday, March 24, 2022

Weary and Wary

Food and companionship
My old dog is a whiner. He has some very specific demands: food and companionship. It used to be when he was a younger guy, he could make it up and down the stairs, but as he aged, the stairs became Mount Everest. Cascading down them caused him some injury, when he missed a step, a leg gave out, or he couldn't get a good grip. When my son and I are upstairs at the same time, the whining starts, because he wants us to be with him ... I get it, I really do. 

He is a stubborn fella, and can whine for an extended time of annoying pathetic-ness. I can kind of relate to him, when I think about it: on days when I feel like all I want is the comfort of good food and good company, minus all the mental Shanghaiing, defined as: to put by trickery into an undesirable position. We have been shanghaied on a global scale and periodically, I feel the weary wariness of the untenable, undesirable position I find myself in. 

Almost work
In my mentally tired state, I think of Ecclesiastes, and how everything is chasing after the wind. I was almost offered a coaching contract this week, only to have the almost work offer rescinded, because of my stance on the killing machine that has destroyed lives, planned and implemented by satan's seed. My offering is unique, because I am a devote Christian. People need help, and getting to them is near impossible ... they have been dropped on the top of the mountain without winter gear, skis to transverse the snowy decent, or anyone to coach them through the cold and dark feelings they have, since being betrayed. 

I knew the ending 
I knew the ending before the beginning of my meeting with the woman that could have made me an offer. Some might say, why mention your stance, your position? Why not get the job and then deal from there? I cannot do such things, dear reader. I simply cannot engage in the shanghaiing the way so many have without shame or remorse. 

Does this mean I am not disappointed and upset, having felt prepared for the undesirable outcome? I am, on many fronts, disturbed by the expected outcome. I would have had access to minds and hearts that have been bent out of shape because of the dissonance they are daily experiencing.  Souls are suffering and despair of life is pressing in on the many. While I cannot help everyone, I could have helped some ... the gatekeeper made sure that I was not permitted entrance. 

My meeting was Monday. I see how my thoughts have collected into a reservoir of frustration. I see how the weak and the vulnerable are right there, within reach, and I cannot help them. It is a lot like seeing animals at the zoo. While I love the wildlife on display, it hurts my heart to know that they are not free to roam, and will remain captive all of their lives, without knowing it. 

Humans not realizing that they are captives
 is staggering  to comprehend and accept 

Being sidelined and sitting this one out is painful. And today, I am a little tired. For today, I am sorrowful for the wounded that I cannot access. Tomorrow, God will again equip me for the fight, and direct my steps in the battle. He will send those He wants me to work with, and they will, be set free, in Christ. 

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