Monday, March 14, 2022


These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world (John 16:33)

Cry out to God
There is much violence. We can look in all directions and see the evidence of hate filled anger, misdirected wrath poured out, human onto human. Those that savour the scent and flavour of blood spilled seem to be everywhere, and one might have a sense that there is nowhere to hide, nor a place to escape to. When we cry out to God, it is with the hope that He will save us from the violence ~ especially when we view maiming and killing as repulsive. The just are repelled by what they are witnessing abroad and near. 

Violence activator
It is the emotionally immature, the unwilling, the childish of mind and soul, that refuse to acknowledge their own pain, and let me tell you what ... if you and I don't man and woman handle what disturbs us most, we will find an outlet! We see this in the masses: unprocessed issues have found a focus and the director of emotions is not the individual, it is the violence activator. The father of lies works diligently to keep people distracted from deeply dealing with their own lives. They are putty in the hands of master manipulators, and the poor lambs have no where to turn. 

When I look at the sea of covered faces, I wonder about the condition of their souls. I wonder about the truth, and whether or not anyone has shared it with them. I wonder, who will be salt and light for them, and tell them how very precious they are? What ambassador of God's good will, will visit with them, hear their hurt hearts, and love them to Christ?

While people attempt to ease their own suffering by way of distraction, adopting the life someone else imposes on them, ignoring and or denying what they want and need, the Bible is very clear. 

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace 

  • It is what God has spoken to us that gives us peace, not what we hear from others

In the world ye shall have tribulation

  • We will have tribulation in the world, this is guaranteed

but be of good cheer

  • Don't let the troubles of the world disturb your peace, be cheerful
I have overcome the world 

  • While it may look as though the wicked have taken over, God declares He has overcome the world, and the worldly!
We may feel like the troubles we see in the world have never been so grand, never been so comprehensive, but that is a form of solipsism; a misinformed sort of self-absorption that separates us from what others historically experienced, survived, lived through, and spoke about. 

The world hasn't changed. Violence is present and always has been, and this is repulsive and repellant to God Almighty. So much so, that He flooded and killed the entire world, save some humans and two of every kind of beast, and crawling things too? He always has a remnant: the start again ones that hear what He speaks, welcoming the peace He offers, in a world filled with tribulation:

... be of good cheer
I have overcome the world

When it feels like there is nowhere to hide, and no place to escape to, know that God is your refuge, your place of peace. Trust in what He has spoken throughout the generations to those that attune to His voice. 

You can be of good cheer, in tribulation! 

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