Monday, March 21, 2022

Fire Starter

bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory (Matthew 12:20)

When I look around me, I see the walking wounded, casualties of an invisible battle for the soul. They know not that they may be mortally wounded, but they do know that they feel bruised and beaten. 

I consider the adults that have faired well, those that have intestinal fortitude, emotional maturity, and character traits that serve them powerfully when duplicity rears its ugly head, with fangs poised to sink into the already injured. Those of us that have done our one-on-one battle with the dragon of death, know that to continue fighting with him, drains our life force and serves no one. We are the set free.

Young ones though, have far more formidable foes to face than their elders ever did. This generation has nowhere to turn, and is without mentors to model ethics, morals, and integrity. It truly is a world filled with demon gods, and demonized humans that have smoked the weeds of insecurity, anxiety, paranoia, lies, disillusionment, depression, and desperation without solution. 

He sees the wounded
The heart of God is kind. He sees the wounded, the limping, and the lame. He sees the confusion they are wrought with, and He does not break the bruised reed, He will not snuff out with water, those that smoulder after being exposed to hell's fire. 

God has compassion for the tender hearts of those that know they have done wrongly, feel ashamed for their transgressions, and long for a better way moving into the future. They don't know how to get to where they want to be, but God does ... God always provides a way.

My prayer
Today I am contemplative. I know God is the Author of life. I know that I trust Him on all fronts. When I am in the fray, He listens to my doubts, my fears, my disappointment, my sadness. He is with me in those tough times, when I am being a little kid, telling my dad that I am upset and life isn't fair. I imagine He has heard all of this countless times before over the generations. Thank goodness for long-suffering: I am pretty confident God's grace has been poured out like precious jars of oil filled to overflowing, that miraculously fill up again.

My prayer, dear one, is for our young. My prayer is that those that know the living God, live for Him in all ways, modelling for this wounded generation that has lost so much already, ethics, morals and integrity. Sadly, truth telling and living is sacrificial now, and to live the truth is dangerous business. 

My prayer, is the the reward is worth the risk, with our children learning that no matter the circumstances, God still has His people peppering the globe, and living as though all that matters, is the truth of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. 

  • If you feel bruised, He will tend to you
  • If you feel like your fire is burning low, with no kindling available to ignite your life, go to Him, He is fire starter. 

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