Wednesday, March 30, 2022


But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33)

Look at the verse ... I have quoted it numerous times or should I say, misquoted it? I left out the middle part because until recently, I didn't know it was there! 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

I'm in simplify mode this morning. Someone took a big stick and jammed it into the ants nest. Tiny fire ants are aflame, running about trying to dole out some retribution to the stick wielder. While the one with the weapon of provocation reveals jagged rip flesh to shreds teeth, the ants complain about his stick, his lording it over them, his nerve, for destroying what they have built. 

MY HILL, MY HOME, MY MY, Oh my ...

Wrong focus, wrong king of the jungle, wrong wrong, all wrong

People have forgotten, neglected, ignored, disposed of, scoffed at, and disparaged, belief in the kingdom of God. They have decided the righteousness of God can be left out of a Biblical verse, and left right out of their lives as an undesirable pursuit, in favour of building their ant hill, uninterrupted and undisturbed. This also leaves them unprotected ... from destroyers that come to disrupt, steal, wreak havoc, and kill.

In the Lord's Prayer, there is a plea of sorts. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. This is somewhat formulaic. It is an equation:

Seek the kingdom of God + His righteousness = all these things will be added unto you

Thy kingdom come + thy will be done = on earth as it is in heaven

I indicated I am in simplify mode. I am not bothered by the nasty little men and women that wield ugly sticks as though they have the right to do as they please wherever and whenever they like. I have not envy of their powers to wreak havoc, or seemingly get away with what they have done. I am not inclined to rage at them in red hot anger, hoping to set them aflame for their plots and injurious ways. 

They will be set aflame with shame, but not by me

If God in heaven asks me to seek Him, and to be righteous

If God's will is sought here on earth, as it is in heaven

Then my eyes need to be trained on Him, not on what the stick it to 'em anti christ ones are up to. I have some confidence, from historical evidence, that their days are not only numbered, they are damned. I am well aware of what they are up to and what they are capable of: their reward will be the bitter gal that they mead out with cavalier and calculated coolness. 

Hate begets heart and health problems. The wicked are unchecked in their hatefulness, and by virtual of exposure to them, there is contagion. Becoming just like the stick wielder, is exactly what the devil wants for all humans, to establish his hell on earth. 

Heaven or hell, which one do you seek?

Righteousness or retribution? it is up to you to decide what your focus will be.

If you are reading this, and you are truly desirous of making a difference for the kingdom of God in a wicked world, seek Him and His righteousness, and perhaps in this lifetime, we will all see glimpses of His heaven, His will, on earth. 

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