Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Sacred Suspicion

Socrates is quoted as saying "The unexamined life is not worth living." 

I cannot help but consider these words as I contemplate their resounding meaning. To examine is to:

1 inspect (someone or something) thoroughly in order to determine their nature or condition

2 test the knowledge or proficiency of (someone) by requiring them to answer questions or perform a task

3 formally question (a defendant or witness) in court

I will combine the definitions of examined to fit my theme. If a someone is never examined by self or other, they have never investigated with curiosity, what is in their nature; what knowledge or proficiency they have attained, or what understanding they have when in a court situation. 

Measure the mindless
It would appear that all of these definitions are non-applicable to the average human. They are standards that cannot be used to measure the mindless, those that have given away all of their autonomy. They do not want to examine, nor are they inclined to be inspected, by anyone outside of themselves and in particular, by anyone that may jar them into the knowing that they have relinquished and remitted their thinking to a lower court. 

The underlay
This is purposeful. This is a choice. This is evidence that en masse, it is preferable to be a consumer of goods and services, without knowing what you are buying and what statement is made when you do. I trust you without question is in the underlay, the undertone that is barely perceptible when we take what is on offer without considering the source. 

The sentiments of "I don't trust you, until you prove to me why I should", may be a life marked with investigation and examination. There is a place for scepticism, for scrutiny, for sacred suspicion in our lives. If we start with self, looking at our own intentions while scrutinizing to see what is in there, we will be more inclined to look for and see, the sick and alternatively, the sacred in other. 

I suspect that the sadness I feel comes from being utterly dumbfounded and somewhat hogtied, in the realization that I have seemingly exhausted all avenues to logical and deductive communication with some people I have known all my life. I have moved away from attempting reason with them, because there is no longer any room or space for meaningful and mentally stimulating exchanges. We spend time together and my aim now, is for it to be quality time in joyful pursuits of playful laughter, because it suits them far more, than me examining their lives, and wanting them to too. That time has passed and that ship, so to speak, has sailed. 

Front door despositions 
In the span of one week, I have had two front door depositions ... this word came to me as I attempt to describe the oddity of intense exchanges on major subjects, while people are exiting my home. I am astounded to read from the dictionary the very last definition for the term deposition:

Deposition: the removal of the body of Christ from the cross 

This is what I want to convey, dear reader ... society has willfully removed from their minds, from their hearts, from their starving and sacrificed souls, Jesus from the cross. They live not from gratitude for their salvation, they live for self in an empty void of thoughtless consumption with no regard for the sanctity of life. They do not suspect that they have given away for free their most precious gift by rejecting the living God. Their souls are in peril and they have lost all ability to detect the danger.  

The majority trust not in Christ ... they trust in self and other. God help them. And lastly, dear one, God help us that see. This is painful to witness. 

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