Friday, March 25, 2022

Felonious Fiendships

Judges are guilty
I have been contemplating felonious fiendships and their outcomes. I am considering the irony of having been sent jury duty paperwork, just prior to the switch being tripped for the world shutting down.  

I enjoyed jury duty the first time I said yes, as a dutiful citizen. All evidence pointed to the party in question being guilty, before his peers and the judge. I was selected as the foreman to deliver to the court our findings. With confidence I spoke that we the jury, found ______________, guilty.

Now, judges are guilty, aren't they, dear reader? We aren't sitting in a jury box, having details shared for us to assess the accused, we are eye witnesses, and evidence piles high all around us, with no due processes in place to prosecute the guilty. The guilty are everywhere, and the only hope for them, is that there is conviction in their spirit, because the Lord knows what they have done, and He will judge them accordingly.

But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Proverbs 8:36)

Imagine, loving death. What an oddity this must be? What we see in the murderous, is the love of death of other ... by killing, they sin against and wrong their own soul. Corrupt judges that do not enforce God's laws, are hate filled murderers of other and self. If we are not doing what is good and right in God's sight, clearly, we are doing the opposite. We violate Him when we disobey His commands. 

I see the criminals in their full regalia. They are boisterous and proud, pronouncing their plans as though speaking death is the most natural thing in the world. I know that there is opposition and sometimes, the opposition is paid. Even so, I picture the darts hitting hearts when they play act, turning on one another as witnesses watch. They believe they are manipulating onlookers when what they are really doing, is making fools of themselves, while drawing eyes and God's wrath. 

Let's pretend too
Say you and I start joking around with one another. I tell you you are ugly. You tell me I am stupid. We both laugh, ha ha, we are so funny! Next, I tell you that I can't stand how you slurp while drinking your coffee, and you tell me that my eyes are crooked. We laugh again, but it isn't hardy, or heart felt. We decide on another round, and I tell you that I think you are a liar; that I can't trust you because you are so full of c_ap. With a straight face, you say you have to lie, because the truth is a little too big for me to handle. You say I'm dim, and wouldn't know what to do with it. 

Now, dear reader, think of world leaders that are taking shots across the bow at one another, whether real or pretend for pay. These darts smart, even if play acting for the purpose of duping the audience is the goal. Insults injure, and when we are "joking" often times, the truth has been spoken. The tongue is a weapon and words can be sharp enough to cut.

The battle is the Lord's
Do I have sympathy for those that seem hell bent on their own destruction? Not really, I cannot say that I do. I hate lies, and I hate murder. I hate to see the wicked injuring without reproach and repercussions. And the Bible is clear, they wound or wrong, their own soul. They are their own worst enemy. 

And Saul and all the people that were with him assembled themselves, and they came to the battle: and, behold, every man's sword was against his fellow, and there was a very great discomfiture (1 Samuel 14:20)

In this Biblical scene, Saul and his men are battle ready. When they arrive they discover that their enemy, the one they were prepared to fight, has turned on one another, slaughtering each other with swords. God had confused the Philistines. They were killing, but it wasn't the Hebrews! 

The battle was clearly the Lord's, and no man was to be given credit for "winning" with their own might. I get the feeling the same is true in our circumstances, dear reader. God will deal death blows to the enemy, by causing very great discomfiture.

Here is what Proverb 8:35 says, the one just before 8:36:

For whoso findeth me, findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD (Proverbs 8:35)

Proverbs are for the wise. Those that heed the wisdom offered by God Almighty are not confused. We don't experience very great discomfiture, nor are we inclined to death, or killing others. We love life, we love God, we love God's people!

I am in wait, watch, and see mode. God has winning ways: and I am being rather mild in saying this. Allow me to rephrase.

God's one two punch can knock out a whole army of oblivious humans that strut their stuff, just before hitting the dirt, face first. It can happen that fast.

NOTE: I did not misspell friendship ... I really meant fiendship! 

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