Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Favourite Person

Who is your favourite person to spend time with?

Prep for my day
This morning while getting dressed, I had my usual exchange with God. I have a tendency to babble on and assume that He enjoys what entertains me while I prep for my day. It occurred to me that since we are together all the time, that perhaps, I am one of His favourite people to spend time with! 

This delighted me of course, and stopped me in my tracks for a moment as I considered this possibility. "God, am I one of your favourite people to spend time with?" Dear reader, I am pretty sure He said YES, Linda, you certainly are!

The entourage
Once dressed, my morning routine is quite simple. I gather up my entourage, the items that I personify, that start my day going in the right, and write, direction. They are my support workers, and I rely on them to remind me of what tasks I must complete, what my schedule looks like, and who I need to send this or that email or text to ... what my goals are and the timeline for completion. The entourage includes my laptop, phone, favourite study Bible, day timer, a journal of choice, a pen or two, and a massive water bottle. I speak to them as they support me in my efforts. We communicate well, and things get done as we co-ordinate and collaborate with one purpose in mind. 

I dare you
I recall when I was younger hearing the line, you are not crazy if you talk to yourself, unless of course, you answer back. So clearly, I am NOT crazy ... I don't talk to myself, I talk to things ... and when I am not talking to things, I am talking to God. If this sounds strange, I dare you to tell me that you do NOT have a running commentary going on inside of your head, even if you're lips aren't moving! 

Humans are designed to communicate, to share their thoughts and view points. There is a richness in sharing with another, with the object of the exchange being a meeting of the minds or perhaps more poignantly, sharpening of minds? 

Fantastic aliveness
It is with God that I feel the most fantastic aliveness. It is with God that my mind is cracked wide open to possibilities. He teaches me what love looks and sounds like, and He sharpness my senses, my thinking, my ways of being in uniquely wonderful ways. As ONE of His favourite people, I savour discovered benefits of constant communing, continuous exchange, and concomitant creativity. I enjoy Him when it is just we two, or in the company of those that appreciate Him as much as I do. 

My questions to you are:

  • Who is your favourite person to spend time with?
  • What makes their company most excellent?
  • When was the last time you enjoyed God's presence, one-on-one?
  • What gives you get up and go to face your day with vigour?
  • Lastly, do you talk to yourself? Do you answer back? ... just checking, dear reader!
The company we keep makes a world of difference in our lives. I will end with this verse from Proverbs 13:20

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: 
but a companion off fools shall be destroyed 

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