Monday, March 28, 2022

Insulting Jackals

I have this urge to write about jackals. As I see it, there are jackals masquerading as humans, and I haven't been able to shake this feeling of having to write about it. When I looked into the Bible for references to this dog like creature, I found them mentioned in Isaiah times two, Lamentations, Jeremiah times two, Psalms, Ezekiel, and Micah. Sometimes they are called dragons, sometimes foxes ... 

In Jeremiah 49:33 there is inference to them being creatures of the wilderness

And Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons, and a desolation for ever: there shall no man abide there, nor any son of man dwell in it

In Ezekiel 13:3, prophets are like foxes in the desert

O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts 

In my search for understanding, I see that God compares the worst traits in scavenger like creatures, to describe the animalistic behaviours of humans that behave in ungodly, unbecoming, and hedonistic ways that belie their utter depravity. 

Jackals eat dead things but will hunt the living when in a pack. When God compares Israel's prophets to the selfish, greedy, and callous nature of a scavenger, it is telling. When a jackal like prophet shows up with teeth bared and back hunched in readiness to ravage, humankind is in a plight. 

I am considering the pastors as false prophets that have devoured the flock
I think of the politicians preying on children and vulnerable adults
I see the avarice bitten, riddled with hatred for those they believe to be beneath them

They hunt the wounded
They devour the half dead
They travel in packs ready to pounce to satisfy their sadistic need to destroy and kill

Is it fair, to compare an animal to a human? Do I insult the jackal by saying he is like a false prophet, or the other way around? God created them both, but a jackal does what they were created to do: in their jackal like ways, they can't be trusted, and you certainly wouldn't want to leave your children or pets in their presence unprotected. 

Dear reader, ... is it safe to say ... that jackals in packs known as government "officials" pretending to be "prophets" to save us from: 
  1. our ignorant selves 
  2. the over heating environment and, 
  3. illnesses that are out of "our" control.
have taken over the dung heap they have amassed, and now they want us to lie down and play dead?

This is truly an unpleasant scenario, but I told you at the beginning of this piece of writing, that I can't shake this feeling of having to write about what I am seeing. What makes a hunter successful is unsuspecting prey. If I can see the jackals, and know they are travelling in ravenous packs, I ask you, can you see them too?

Maybe I am writing to my others. Maybe I am warning the prey that a predator has marked you to be devoured. I am not sure. I just know, this had to be written, so that perhaps, you can remain unbitten. 

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