Thursday, March 31, 2022

Soul Sifting

Powdery fluffy form
I feel as though we are being sifted. There is a refining process in the sifting. You cannot sift a boulder, a rock, or even a pebble ... grind these down to sand, and perhaps, not even the sand could pass through the tiny mess openings. Flour, made from ground wheat has a chance. In its powdery fluffy form, it can be churned and pressed through the mess from the top side to the bottom. Same flour, transformed into a more delicate version of itself that somehow makes for better quality outcomes, in baking. 

Pulpy powder
What if the opposite is true for humans? What if the boulder of our faith, the rock on which we stand, and the pebbles we call principles, ought never to go into the grinder, the soul sifter that would have us ground to a pulpy powder.

Standing on faith in a wicked world is the only solid ground to be found. Being warned that Satan desires to sift us, like he did Simon Peter, feels about right in our current state of debauched affairs. Satan has done significant sifting already, and there is evidence that many who espoused to faith in the living God, did this easily, without feeling the churning of the grinding arm. Theirs was a faith not based on facing off with the enemy of their souls, theirs was a pastry paltry faith, fluffy in its substance. 

I have had some rude awakenings in the past couple of years. I know this is true for you too, dear reader. We saw evidence of weak willed people prior to global catastrophe brought on by the seed of the devil, and in recent years, our hair has blown back by the winds of dramatic change. 

I can hardly recognize people I previously admired and trusted to share the truth. Who are you? is what I want to ask. It would appear that in times of tribulation, we become all of the hidden things that were always there, but now get far too much air time. A fearful person becomes more obviously fearful, and perhaps, a brave person becomes that much more courageous, in the sifting. And a selfish person ...

Smooth sailing
The pretend giants of faith now define their stance, their lives, their ways based on worldly schemes and plots. The Way, the Truth, The Life, was just something to profess when times were smooth sailing, nothing was at risk, and it sounded pretty to the ears of listeners. 

When it comes to sin, these fellas have trumped and one upped each other ... They blaspheme God, they curse themselves, and they damn their fellow man by being apostate. They look to humans for their cues of what to do next, rather than to the Sovereign, that has saved them countless times without them acknowledging Him. 

Sifted, they are being sifted for baking in the heat of an oven from which they shall never cool ... Sure thing, I am being suggestive here. I will leave off and you can imagine the fate of those that deny the living God, in favour of those that pretend to be in charge of the fate of the world. 

Sch-wab sounds like a brand of Q-Tips. If only ears were cleaned out so they could hear the truth, each time this man opens his mouth.

Okay one more ... let us Sch-wab the decks of mercenaries, so the captives can be set free! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33)

Look at the verse ... I have quoted it numerous times or should I say, misquoted it? I left out the middle part because until recently, I didn't know it was there! 

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

I'm in simplify mode this morning. Someone took a big stick and jammed it into the ants nest. Tiny fire ants are aflame, running about trying to dole out some retribution to the stick wielder. While the one with the weapon of provocation reveals jagged rip flesh to shreds teeth, the ants complain about his stick, his lording it over them, his nerve, for destroying what they have built. 

MY HILL, MY HOME, MY MY, Oh my ...

Wrong focus, wrong king of the jungle, wrong wrong, all wrong

People have forgotten, neglected, ignored, disposed of, scoffed at, and disparaged, belief in the kingdom of God. They have decided the righteousness of God can be left out of a Biblical verse, and left right out of their lives as an undesirable pursuit, in favour of building their ant hill, uninterrupted and undisturbed. This also leaves them unprotected ... from destroyers that come to disrupt, steal, wreak havoc, and kill.

In the Lord's Prayer, there is a plea of sorts. thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. This is somewhat formulaic. It is an equation:

Seek the kingdom of God + His righteousness = all these things will be added unto you

Thy kingdom come + thy will be done = on earth as it is in heaven

I indicated I am in simplify mode. I am not bothered by the nasty little men and women that wield ugly sticks as though they have the right to do as they please wherever and whenever they like. I have not envy of their powers to wreak havoc, or seemingly get away with what they have done. I am not inclined to rage at them in red hot anger, hoping to set them aflame for their plots and injurious ways. 

They will be set aflame with shame, but not by me

If God in heaven asks me to seek Him, and to be righteous

If God's will is sought here on earth, as it is in heaven

Then my eyes need to be trained on Him, not on what the stick it to 'em anti christ ones are up to. I have some confidence, from historical evidence, that their days are not only numbered, they are damned. I am well aware of what they are up to and what they are capable of: their reward will be the bitter gal that they mead out with cavalier and calculated coolness. 

Hate begets heart and health problems. The wicked are unchecked in their hatefulness, and by virtual of exposure to them, there is contagion. Becoming just like the stick wielder, is exactly what the devil wants for all humans, to establish his hell on earth. 

Heaven or hell, which one do you seek?

Righteousness or retribution? it is up to you to decide what your focus will be.

If you are reading this, and you are truly desirous of making a difference for the kingdom of God in a wicked world, seek Him and His righteousness, and perhaps in this lifetime, we will all see glimpses of His heaven, His will, on earth. 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Insulting Jackals

I have this urge to write about jackals. As I see it, there are jackals masquerading as humans, and I haven't been able to shake this feeling of having to write about it. When I looked into the Bible for references to this dog like creature, I found them mentioned in Isaiah times two, Lamentations, Jeremiah times two, Psalms, Ezekiel, and Micah. Sometimes they are called dragons, sometimes foxes ... 

In Jeremiah 49:33 there is inference to them being creatures of the wilderness

And Hazor shall be a dwelling for dragons, and a desolation for ever: there shall no man abide there, nor any son of man dwell in it

In Ezekiel 13:3, prophets are like foxes in the desert

O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts 

In my search for understanding, I see that God compares the worst traits in scavenger like creatures, to describe the animalistic behaviours of humans that behave in ungodly, unbecoming, and hedonistic ways that belie their utter depravity. 

Jackals eat dead things but will hunt the living when in a pack. When God compares Israel's prophets to the selfish, greedy, and callous nature of a scavenger, it is telling. When a jackal like prophet shows up with teeth bared and back hunched in readiness to ravage, humankind is in a plight. 

I am considering the pastors as false prophets that have devoured the flock
I think of the politicians preying on children and vulnerable adults
I see the avarice bitten, riddled with hatred for those they believe to be beneath them

They hunt the wounded
They devour the half dead
They travel in packs ready to pounce to satisfy their sadistic need to destroy and kill

Is it fair, to compare an animal to a human? Do I insult the jackal by saying he is like a false prophet, or the other way around? God created them both, but a jackal does what they were created to do: in their jackal like ways, they can't be trusted, and you certainly wouldn't want to leave your children or pets in their presence unprotected. 

Dear reader, ... is it safe to say ... that jackals in packs known as government "officials" pretending to be "prophets" to save us from: 
  1. our ignorant selves 
  2. the over heating environment and, 
  3. illnesses that are out of "our" control.
have taken over the dung heap they have amassed, and now they want us to lie down and play dead?

This is truly an unpleasant scenario, but I told you at the beginning of this piece of writing, that I can't shake this feeling of having to write about what I am seeing. What makes a hunter successful is unsuspecting prey. If I can see the jackals, and know they are travelling in ravenous packs, I ask you, can you see them too?

Maybe I am writing to my others. Maybe I am warning the prey that a predator has marked you to be devoured. I am not sure. I just know, this had to be written, so that perhaps, you can remain unbitten. 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Signature Springtime Signs

Today is day fifty of my writing challenge. My latest book compilation is entitled Soulful Sojourns. I am an observational, inspirational writer, with a conversational tonality. I see, I state, I offer a way of perceiving, while speaking to the reader like a friend. Feeling familiar with fellow humans is what we all crave, isn't it, dear one? Don't we all want to be seen, heard, and more significantly, understood?

I am recognizing more each day, what gets in the way of close connection. The injustice of not being seen, not being heard, and not feeling understood in significant ways, can make us feel like we have to fight for a place in the hearts and minds of those that seem to ignore who we are and who we want to become. These humans, the ones we crave affirmation from, are doing the exact same thing ... longing for, looking for, searching for confirmation of some kind of esteem and valuation: I use the term valuation as being richly appreciated. 

To be richly valued is to be seen, heard, and wonderfully, understood 

I see you
I hear you
You are wonderful
I understand

This past week, I longed to see springtime signature signs of hope. It is the crocus that I looked for and to my delight, I saw a row of inverted cup like white heads, hanging from thin stocks of green. I told God when I spotted them, I know the snow will shoo them away, just like it does every spring. The crocus is delicate and brave, the first of the flowers that spring forth from soil still chilled from the cold. 

My guess is people are a lot like croci. Flowers are beautiful and bring bursts of joy to onlookers: they exist to uplift. A flower may seem delicate, and perhaps people that are flowering are just that, delicate. They are not meant to be mistreated and roughed up. Silky pedals are precious and soothe the soul of those that gently, lightly, touch. 

Finessing touch ... 

To mishandle a flower, is to misjudge, to judge wrongly ... to mishandle a human is much the same. It is a cruelty that accuses the abuser, and the flower remains pure, innocent, and in timely good weather, will bloom again. 

Make of my metaphor what you will, dear reader. As a yellow crocus, I pray that you, my crocus friend, understand how wonderful you are, braving the cold while beautifully blooming, where you are planted. 

Friday, March 25, 2022

Felonious Fiendships

Judges are guilty
I have been contemplating felonious fiendships and their outcomes. I am considering the irony of having been sent jury duty paperwork, just prior to the switch being tripped for the world shutting down.  

I enjoyed jury duty the first time I said yes, as a dutiful citizen. All evidence pointed to the party in question being guilty, before his peers and the judge. I was selected as the foreman to deliver to the court our findings. With confidence I spoke that we the jury, found ______________, guilty.

Now, judges are guilty, aren't they, dear reader? We aren't sitting in a jury box, having details shared for us to assess the accused, we are eye witnesses, and evidence piles high all around us, with no due processes in place to prosecute the guilty. The guilty are everywhere, and the only hope for them, is that there is conviction in their spirit, because the Lord knows what they have done, and He will judge them accordingly.

But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Proverbs 8:36)

Imagine, loving death. What an oddity this must be? What we see in the murderous, is the love of death of other ... by killing, they sin against and wrong their own soul. Corrupt judges that do not enforce God's laws, are hate filled murderers of other and self. If we are not doing what is good and right in God's sight, clearly, we are doing the opposite. We violate Him when we disobey His commands. 

I see the criminals in their full regalia. They are boisterous and proud, pronouncing their plans as though speaking death is the most natural thing in the world. I know that there is opposition and sometimes, the opposition is paid. Even so, I picture the darts hitting hearts when they play act, turning on one another as witnesses watch. They believe they are manipulating onlookers when what they are really doing, is making fools of themselves, while drawing eyes and God's wrath. 

Let's pretend too
Say you and I start joking around with one another. I tell you you are ugly. You tell me I am stupid. We both laugh, ha ha, we are so funny! Next, I tell you that I can't stand how you slurp while drinking your coffee, and you tell me that my eyes are crooked. We laugh again, but it isn't hardy, or heart felt. We decide on another round, and I tell you that I think you are a liar; that I can't trust you because you are so full of c_ap. With a straight face, you say you have to lie, because the truth is a little too big for me to handle. You say I'm dim, and wouldn't know what to do with it. 

Now, dear reader, think of world leaders that are taking shots across the bow at one another, whether real or pretend for pay. These darts smart, even if play acting for the purpose of duping the audience is the goal. Insults injure, and when we are "joking" often times, the truth has been spoken. The tongue is a weapon and words can be sharp enough to cut.

The battle is the Lord's
Do I have sympathy for those that seem hell bent on their own destruction? Not really, I cannot say that I do. I hate lies, and I hate murder. I hate to see the wicked injuring without reproach and repercussions. And the Bible is clear, they wound or wrong, their own soul. They are their own worst enemy. 

And Saul and all the people that were with him assembled themselves, and they came to the battle: and, behold, every man's sword was against his fellow, and there was a very great discomfiture (1 Samuel 14:20)

In this Biblical scene, Saul and his men are battle ready. When they arrive they discover that their enemy, the one they were prepared to fight, has turned on one another, slaughtering each other with swords. God had confused the Philistines. They were killing, but it wasn't the Hebrews! 

The battle was clearly the Lord's, and no man was to be given credit for "winning" with their own might. I get the feeling the same is true in our circumstances, dear reader. God will deal death blows to the enemy, by causing very great discomfiture.

Here is what Proverb 8:35 says, the one just before 8:36:

For whoso findeth me, findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD (Proverbs 8:35)

Proverbs are for the wise. Those that heed the wisdom offered by God Almighty are not confused. We don't experience very great discomfiture, nor are we inclined to death, or killing others. We love life, we love God, we love God's people!

I am in wait, watch, and see mode. God has winning ways: and I am being rather mild in saying this. Allow me to rephrase.

God's one two punch can knock out a whole army of oblivious humans that strut their stuff, just before hitting the dirt, face first. It can happen that fast.

NOTE: I did not misspell friendship ... I really meant fiendship! 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Weary and Wary

Food and companionship
My old dog is a whiner. He has some very specific demands: food and companionship. It used to be when he was a younger guy, he could make it up and down the stairs, but as he aged, the stairs became Mount Everest. Cascading down them caused him some injury, when he missed a step, a leg gave out, or he couldn't get a good grip. When my son and I are upstairs at the same time, the whining starts, because he wants us to be with him ... I get it, I really do. 

He is a stubborn fella, and can whine for an extended time of annoying pathetic-ness. I can kind of relate to him, when I think about it: on days when I feel like all I want is the comfort of good food and good company, minus all the mental Shanghaiing, defined as: to put by trickery into an undesirable position. We have been shanghaied on a global scale and periodically, I feel the weary wariness of the untenable, undesirable position I find myself in. 

Almost work
In my mentally tired state, I think of Ecclesiastes, and how everything is chasing after the wind. I was almost offered a coaching contract this week, only to have the almost work offer rescinded, because of my stance on the killing machine that has destroyed lives, planned and implemented by satan's seed. My offering is unique, because I am a devote Christian. People need help, and getting to them is near impossible ... they have been dropped on the top of the mountain without winter gear, skis to transverse the snowy decent, or anyone to coach them through the cold and dark feelings they have, since being betrayed. 

I knew the ending 
I knew the ending before the beginning of my meeting with the woman that could have made me an offer. Some might say, why mention your stance, your position? Why not get the job and then deal from there? I cannot do such things, dear reader. I simply cannot engage in the shanghaiing the way so many have without shame or remorse. 

Does this mean I am not disappointed and upset, having felt prepared for the undesirable outcome? I am, on many fronts, disturbed by the expected outcome. I would have had access to minds and hearts that have been bent out of shape because of the dissonance they are daily experiencing.  Souls are suffering and despair of life is pressing in on the many. While I cannot help everyone, I could have helped some ... the gatekeeper made sure that I was not permitted entrance. 

My meeting was Monday. I see how my thoughts have collected into a reservoir of frustration. I see how the weak and the vulnerable are right there, within reach, and I cannot help them. It is a lot like seeing animals at the zoo. While I love the wildlife on display, it hurts my heart to know that they are not free to roam, and will remain captive all of their lives, without knowing it. 

Humans not realizing that they are captives
 is staggering  to comprehend and accept 

Being sidelined and sitting this one out is painful. And today, I am a little tired. For today, I am sorrowful for the wounded that I cannot access. Tomorrow, God will again equip me for the fight, and direct my steps in the battle. He will send those He wants me to work with, and they will, be set free, in Christ. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


I have a close friend who's sibling is her polar opposite. They are twins but one of them is wicked, conniving, sneaky, and filled with avarice. The other one is my pal and she is thoughtful, kind, forthright, and generous: of COURSE I am friends with the good twin, dear reader!

Today my pal shared how her sibling from the womb attempted to impose her will and ways. My friend has figured out the games her sister plays, and that is a good thing. When we figure out that someone we love actually hates us, to the point of wanting to malign and manipulate us, into believing we have to work harder to be accepted by them, then we are set free. More simply stated, behaviour doesn't lie, and cruel people act in ways that show what is in their heart. When hate resides there, hateful behaviours show up in words and deeds. 

Avarice is one of those vile serpentine states of mind that wind around a persons soul, choking out the potential goodness that could reside there. Being selfish is always a choice. When getting grubby grabby hands onto someone else's money is the goal, the covetous can become aggressive, insulting, insinuating, and cruel. Sneaky becomes a way of life, and relationship casualties are the price they are willing to pay to get what they feel entitled to have. 

Lies worn on faces
The wicked twins duplicity grates on my friends honesty. It would appear to the observant, that misrepresentation of truth is a way of life for countless people, wouldn't you agree? Let's admit together, dear reader, lies have been worn on faces for nearly two years. Lies were injected into arms for over a year (more like decades). Lies were poured like melted butter over half baked couch potatoes, thirsty for something tasty, that only served to make them sluggish, and disinclined to get up, and get going, into the fray.

What are we left with? I am pleased to say, we are in a very good position with the current state of affairs! With so many feeling comfortable being obviously wicked, it makes the truth tellers look like 100 watt bulbs! We are learning quickly whom it is we can trust, and by comparison, who is diabolically dangerous. 

Identifying label
Dear reader, we are in an extraordinary position to get our own houses in order. Who you are shows up in the world. If you were to wear an identifying label on your shirt front, what would it say? What kind of reputation do you have? What do people say about you, when you are not in the room ... because they do, say stuff about you ... you do know this, right?

We are known by who we show up as
We are either loved, hated, disdained, dismissed, admired or adored. 

This is a limited list, but these are the familiar sentiments currently prevailing, aren't they? 

I was in the grocery store today, and saw truth on display. Facial expressions spoke volumes, and it was a sight to behold. I got a compliment on my face when I went into a pharmacy, and I have to tell you, dear one, that if my face looks anywhere near as lovely as the uncovered faces of those I looked upon today, I can see why the wicked ones prefer them covered. 

Faces are beautiful ... the duplicitous prefer to hide behind facades, otherwise known, as masks.

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, 
are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Moral Injury

I learned new terminology yesterday, moral injury. When I heard these two words coupled, it stopped me in my thinking tracks. I realize as I type, that moral injury is new phraseology for something very old and still in fashion, otherwise known as SIN!

Ah, dear reader, how very exciting! Marketers continue to break mind bending  ground by renaming ancient concepts, in an attempt to throw truth blood hounds off track. When I heard the combined words moral injury, it was in the context of workers having agreed to do something their employers demanded of them, that they did not want to do. Said employees were to be assisted with their injury of conscience, as though they could be coached into believing that their sin of self-betrayal, was something healable, with a new attitude and perspective. 

If only it were that easy ... 

We humans have this wonderful capacity to override our morals when we choose to make decisions that are neither healthy, nor are they holy, when confronted with an either or scenario. It looks something like this:

If you do not willingly have sex with me, then you are fired. I don't give a damn that you are married, that you have children, that you don't want to, or that your "god" says it isn't ok. Either you do it or you don't. 

Do it, we good, don't, and I will find someone else who will, AND they will be grateful to ME for making sure they have money to pay their bills. What will it be, yes or no, and hurry the hell up, I don't have all day. 

Cranked the dial
Violation of morals isn't new, and neither are power imbalances. There isn't a human alive that has not be subjected to, and objectified by, both. The fact that someone cranked the dial and we are all feeling the spin, ought to have us cock our respective heads into question position, and consider, how do I want to address this issue, from this point forward?

Compromising of integrity
When I think of those that compromised their morals being injured, I have significant concern for them. They are boiling and about to burst, because every day they go into their place of work, is one more day of built up steam, with resentment brewing. One degree of higher heat, and they will spill over the top with lava like hatred. There are only two places for loathing and resentment to go, inward or outward. Either way, humans will express their sorrow and hurt, disappointment and outrage in unhealthy ways, especially when they have colluded with those that demanded they compromise their integrity; AND when they don't get help from the healthy. 

There is nowhere that compromising of integrity has happened more severely, and cruelly, than in the care for others professions. Satan has done a fantastical job of toying with and playing on, the compassion funny bones of health care providers. Sacrificial love is mocked by master manipulators. They have taken the kindness in those that want to serve, and used it as a weapon against the lovie. Those in the healing and helping professions are now the most wounded. 

Love and compassion
The health care provider needs love and compassion now, more than ever before. They have been misused, and it hurts my heart to see what has happened to so many, without regard for the long term impact and complications resulting from their unwilling agreement to "things required" of them. 

Regret, remorse, and finally, God willing, repentance for integrity breaches, are stepping stones for healing the hearts of the wounded; those that morally compromised their very souls, and feel the deep anguish of personal injury. They have firstly sinned against God, because they knew they ought not to do, what they did, and did it anyway. And secondly, they sinned against their own being, and their conscience screams at them daily, who can I trust ... I can't even trust myself ...

There is hope

God is merciful. God is kind. God is forgiving.

When we call out to Him for the healing balm of love that only He can provide, He hears and answers the hurting, the morally injured, and He can be trusted with your mind, your heart, and your spirit. 

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path (Proverbs 3:5-6)

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)

Monday, March 21, 2022

Fire Starter

bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory (Matthew 12:20)

When I look around me, I see the walking wounded, casualties of an invisible battle for the soul. They know not that they may be mortally wounded, but they do know that they feel bruised and beaten. 

I consider the adults that have faired well, those that have intestinal fortitude, emotional maturity, and character traits that serve them powerfully when duplicity rears its ugly head, with fangs poised to sink into the already injured. Those of us that have done our one-on-one battle with the dragon of death, know that to continue fighting with him, drains our life force and serves no one. We are the set free.

Young ones though, have far more formidable foes to face than their elders ever did. This generation has nowhere to turn, and is without mentors to model ethics, morals, and integrity. It truly is a world filled with demon gods, and demonized humans that have smoked the weeds of insecurity, anxiety, paranoia, lies, disillusionment, depression, and desperation without solution. 

He sees the wounded
The heart of God is kind. He sees the wounded, the limping, and the lame. He sees the confusion they are wrought with, and He does not break the bruised reed, He will not snuff out with water, those that smoulder after being exposed to hell's fire. 

God has compassion for the tender hearts of those that know they have done wrongly, feel ashamed for their transgressions, and long for a better way moving into the future. They don't know how to get to where they want to be, but God does ... God always provides a way.

My prayer
Today I am contemplative. I know God is the Author of life. I know that I trust Him on all fronts. When I am in the fray, He listens to my doubts, my fears, my disappointment, my sadness. He is with me in those tough times, when I am being a little kid, telling my dad that I am upset and life isn't fair. I imagine He has heard all of this countless times before over the generations. Thank goodness for long-suffering: I am pretty confident God's grace has been poured out like precious jars of oil filled to overflowing, that miraculously fill up again.

My prayer, dear one, is for our young. My prayer is that those that know the living God, live for Him in all ways, modelling for this wounded generation that has lost so much already, ethics, morals and integrity. Sadly, truth telling and living is sacrificial now, and to live the truth is dangerous business. 

My prayer, is the the reward is worth the risk, with our children learning that no matter the circumstances, God still has His people peppering the globe, and living as though all that matters, is the truth of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. 

  • If you feel bruised, He will tend to you
  • If you feel like your fire is burning low, with no kindling available to ignite your life, go to Him, He is fire starter. 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Numbers and Names

Nothing is chance
In my morning time with God, I expressed some disappointment, sharing with Him a sense of limitations. Being separated from the populace, the masses, can give one a  feeling of desires that are impossible to fulfill. 

After my confession, I asked Him where He wanted me to go in the Bible. He and I have a great way of communicating. I ask, and He is kind to me, selecting my path and directing my steps. It just so happens I opened the good book to Exodus, a book I had been studying and have put down for a bit. It also opened to a page with my favourite number in it, 125. When I looked down at the chapter, there was 25 ... it could all be coincidental, or not. The way I see God, nothing is chance, He is always purposeful.

Part 1

Willing of heart
The chapter opens with God instructing Moses. God wants Moses to speak to the children of Israel:

Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering (Exodus 25:2)

God is very specific with His requests. He wants the willing of heart to bring gold, silver, brass, blue, purple, and scarlet fine linen, goats' hair, rams' skins dyed red, badgers' skins and acacia wood, oil for the light, spices for anointing oil, and sweet incense, onyx and other stones. Where oh where, were they to get these precious items, out in the wilderness, a dry and barren desert? 

We must travel back in time, to Exodus 3:21-22

And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty. But every woman shall borrow of her neighbour, and of her that sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.

Let us look again at God's instruction to Moses

Speak unto the children of Israel
That they bring me an offering
Of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart
Ye shall take my offering

God did for the Israelites what He does for me. He heard them cry out, He selected a path for them to travel, and directed their steps. He gave them treasures for their travels, but He also gave them choice, when it came time to give an offering from the abundance He had provided. All were asked to make an offering; it is the heart of the willing that would contribute to the arraying of the sanctuary, the mobile temple that God commanded Moses to build in the wilderness. 

The precious items the Egyptians willingly handed over to the Hebrews before their departure, were not only decorative, they were representative. Do we, as the willing hearted Israelites, glorify God with the gifts He bestows, those that He has planned in advance to bless us with? Do the items become idealized, or do we utilize them in service of the living amongst us God? 

God doesn't need silver, gold, brass etc. He is God for goodness sakes. What He asks for and wants, is willing hearts. He works with us, with what He provides, and is suggestive, pointed, direct, subtle, forthright, forward ... He uses every possible way to communicate with us, that He wants our devotion and gratitude, as our providential loving Father. 

Do you, dear reader, offer to God with a willing heart, 
what is most precious to you? 
Or do you cling to it, as though it is your lifeline?

Part 2

The chapter continues with specific instructions for Moses regarding the construction of the tabernacle, and the instruments that would be required for future use. Of course, I highly recommend you go to Exodus and read the entire chapter. For brevities sake, I am jumping ahead to what struck me as stunning, things I had not taken the time to notice previously (I confess that I sometimes quickly scan with my eyes when reading details, trying to get to the "good stuff", but this is not a good practice with the word of God, because no detail is irrelevant). 

And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof. And thou shalt make two cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof. And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be. And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee. And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel (Exodus 25:17-22)

Dear reader, the golden cherubims were looking at one another, wings stretched forth on high. This is wonderful to me, because this is how I feel when I am in the presence of those that love the Lord. I feel as though I am sprouting wings, stretching them broadly and holding them high, as I gain strength from looking into the eyes of those that love, honour, adore and glorify the most High God! But, dear reader, this is only part of the story ~ those cherubims saw only GOD, when He was present above the mercy seat, meeting and communing with Moses! All eyes were on GOD! The wilderness story is about God and whom, amongst His children, had willing hearts to look to Him for their everything. A grateful heart is always noticed by the Father.  

Part 3

Branches, buds and blossoms
I skip ahead once more, to the crafting of a candlestick made of pure gold. In this section, we can appreciate God's magnificent creative powers displayed in nature, and replicated by skillful human hands. 

And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same. And six branches of shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side: three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and a flower in one branch; and three bowls made like almonds in the other branch, with a knop and a flower: so in the six branches that come out of the candlestick. And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made like unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers. (Exodus 25:31-34)

Branches, knops, blossoms, and almonds. Dear reader, a knop is a bud that sprouts from a branch, blooms, and then produces fruit. God's light shining forth from a tree like candlestick that produces good to eat almonds, is thematic throughout scripture. He is the tree of life, and we are knops, then blossoms, then hopefully, the good fruit that grows from His nourishment. Now I could leave this all here for you to ponder, to consider valid or a bit of a stretch of my imagination, but I will not. Let us explore yet another part to this epic story. 

Part 4

Rebellion in the camp
Humans are wanton and self-absorbed at the best of times. They are wildly disobedient and rebellious at the worst of times. No matter the circumstances or situations we find ourselves in, we will always be true to our nature, and eventually, everyone else will see it too. The children of God were no different. We see this in Part 1, with God acknowledging in His statement of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart. He knew who would, and who would not, give willingly with his heart; He knows now too ... we cannot hide from the One that made us. 

We advance again through the pages of Israelite history, to Numbers. Tribal leaders had become arrogant and questioning of God's men, Moses and his older brother Aaron. They did not like being ruled over, and hate had begun to fester in their hearts, against these men of God but really, against God indirectly. God wants to destroy them:

Get you up from among this congregation, that I may consume them as in a moment. And they fell upon their faces (Numbers 16:45) 

Moses quickly acts, knowing that God means what He says and says what He means. The fallout for rebellion was great, have a look with your imagination:

And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a censer, and put fire therein from off the altar, and put on incense, and go quickly unto the congregation, and make an atonement for them: for there is wrath gone out from the LORD; the plague has begun. And Aaron took as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the congregation; and, behold, the plague was begun among the people: and he put on incense, and made an atonement for the people. And he stood among the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed. (Numbers 16:46-48)

Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, beside them that died about the matter of Korah. And Aaron returned unto Moses unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the plague was stayed (Numbers 16:49-50)

Let's digest this for a moment, shall we?
  • God wants to consume the rebellious
  • Moses and Aaron fall face first at this pronouncement
  • The two brothers intervene, acting quickly in an attempt to appease God by atoning for the wickedness of the people
  • The LORD's wrath had already gone out
  • A plague had begin: NOTE: wrath is in the plague ... God's WRATH is in the PLAGUE
  • Aaron does as commanded, running in the midst of the people with incense from the altar, atoning for the people
This part is stunning ... 

And he stood among the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed
  • God's people stand in the gap, between the dead and the living 
  • God's men and women, run in the midst of the people, trying to atone for their disobedience, their rebellion against the LORD
  • God's people, know that once a person dies as a result of deserved wrath, there are no more opportunities to reconcile with Him
  • Moses and Aaron knew the severity of the situation, and so do God's people of today
  • The hope, is the stay of the plague ... the plague filled with His wrath
Fourteen thousand seven hundred died from plague, prior to the intervention of Moses and Aaron ... think on this a moment ... do you see, dear one, how very near this is, as a representation of our current circumstances? God is not to be toyed with. He is long-suffering: He is also just. 

Part 5

God's men
We continue in Numbers, to close the circle with a return to branches, knops, blossoms, and almonds. Really, we are returning to a re-establishment of order, leadership, and a clear reminder to the rebellious that survived, that God chooses leaders, His authority will not be usurped, nor will disobedient rebellion go unpunished.

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and take of every one of them a rod according to the house of their fathers, of all their princes according to the house of their fathers twelve rods: write thou every man's name upon his rod. And thou shalt write Aaron's name upon the rod of Levi; for one rod shall be for the head of the house of their fathers. And thou shalt lay them up in the tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony, where I will meet with you. And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod whom I shall choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you (Numbers 17:1-6)

To summarize:
  • Each tribal head was to bring his rod/staff, and his name would be written upon it
  • There were twelve tribes
  • Aaron represented the house of Levi, his forefather 
  • The rods were then to be placed in the tabernacle
  • God will meet Moses there
  • God will choose His man, and the rod would blossom
  • The rod would be identifiable, because names had been written on each one
  • God will make to cease from me the murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur against you
God was putting a stop to the nonsense He had had enough of. There is much grace in this story, because there is a reprieve for those that accept the redirection that God grants; those that turn from their wicked ways, and the vileness of their wicked leaders/ancestors too! Let us finish our time together, as we witness the miracle of a rod, sprouting and producing fruit, without physically being attached to a tree.

And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, and every one of their princes gave him a rod apiece, for each prince one, according to their father's houses, even twelve rods: and the rod of Aaron was among their rods. And Moses laid up the rods before the LORD in the tabernacle of witness. And it came to pass, that on the morrow Moses went into the tabernacle of witness; and, behold, the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budding, and brought forth buds, and bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds. And Moses brought out all the rods from before the LORD unto all the children of Israel: and they looked, and took every man his rod. And the LORD said unto Moses, Bring Aaron's rod again before  the testimony, to be kept for a token against the rebels; and thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me, that they die not (Numbers 17:6-10)

I would love to report that the rebels learned their lesson, but alas, I simply cannot. This is the state we are currently in, dear one. The rebels just can not seem to help themselves. They seem literally hell bent, on their wayward, rebellious, self and other, destructive ways. 

This said, I am delighted to add, that those that belong to the LORD, have His name written upon their hearts! We are known for our budding knops, our beautiful blossoms, and the luscious fruit that we produce with God's love pouring from our very souls! In the wilderness of life, we have God as our sustenance!

Dear reader, what, I ask you, could possibly be better?