Sunday, December 1, 2013

Spirits In a Material World

We are spirits, in a material world, are spirits, in a material world...these are lyrics from a song written by The Police.  I heard the song in a spinning class and it threw me back in time.  I used to play certain albums over and over again, memorizing them because the lyrics moved me, touched my soul with the Truth embedded in the music. I didn't know what the lyrics meant back then, I just knew that there was dissonance, a tearing of soul from body, a great divide of longing and than rudely, physical reality and spiritual reality. The soul, my soul, cried out for justice, Truth, honesty, generosity, genuine connection and Love...what I got and what I longed for without the ability to express it all at the time were two different things.  I now have the words, I am a spirit, a soul, housed in a beautiful body, God breathed, gifted beyond belief because He Made me.  His imprint is my blueprint, my soul celebrates my faith through my body, in song, in dance, in laughter, with love and a joy immeasurable.

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