Monday, December 23, 2013


Truth is everywhere and we all have access to it, not in a my truth is just as valid as your truth even if they are different kind of way, but in an honest to goodness measurable it really exists way.  For example, trees have roots.  We can not see the roots usually, but they are there.  Here is another brilliant truth, we breathe oxygen, I can't see it and I'm pretty sure no one else can but it's there alright, I just used up some while typing.  Truth becomes a subjective crazy intangible thing, when we have a perspective and someone, whether a perfect stranger or someone that loves us, smacks us out of it.  I'll give you a very personal example:  I used to live by the motto the best defence is a good offence, I didn't make this up, it was learned. It was a really great way to take care of myself if there was a perceived threat but a super lousy way to be in relationship.  Get them before they get me is the underlying sentiment and this one perspective can and does colour the world, maybe with a bit of red, if I were to pick a colour~fiery, others could get burned, would be the descriptor.  I have met many a kind soul who go in the opposite direction, lovelies who would rather be wrong and be responsible for the emotions of others by defending themselves when challenged or attacked emotionally, verbally.  This too, colours the world, perhaps in a shade of muddy brown, self depricating, you are right, I am probably wrong, would be the descriptor.  The truth part in all this is that others see us, know who we are based on how we are in the world.  In Power vs Force, truth is quantifiable, it IS science and we have access to the truth every minute of every hour of every day...sometimes we need someone else to tell us the truth, it is our choice if and how we allow, The Truth, to colour our world.

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