Friday, December 6, 2013


Two days ago I met a client for a completion session. Coaching had been intense with this client and for several reasons, it ended rather abruptly. Time passed and when we were in contact again, I requested completion. The concept of completion is a foreign one to most people and is not something taught by our parents or to our children, at least, it hadn't been taught to me, until coaching. Coaching is about relationship, a mutual understanding that clear and pure intention is the under tone or drumbeat that allows for honesty in sharing verbally, emotionally, always for the benefit, learning and forward movement of the client.  Not all coaching relationships end with warm and fuzzies and completion becomes crucial for both parties when loose ends need tying.  The challenge is to express the learning on both sides, to speak of things undone and well done and the impact they have had on each party.  It takes courage to speak and even more to listen but the gift of seeing the other as so valuable that you must share is priceless. Self protection, defensiveness, being offended, they stop existing when I give without expecting to get, when I share with love in my heart and malice has no voice. Completion is beautiful and best of all, I modelled this concept for my son, he used it with a friend and in video game speak he said "I think I levelled up in relationships today". Seeing past self to the other, expressing what is important for me in relationship and maintaining connection for the well being of two is a gorgeous way to live, Co-Actively.

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