Saturday, December 28, 2013


Reminder:  You are free from addiction. What if this flashed across your phone screen, unbidden, unplanned, a written note from a hand unseen?  A love note really, a reminder of freedom, 2 Peter 2:19 for you are a slave to whatever controls you.  It's funny, in a peculiar way, to write about freedom from my Canadian kitchen while sipping delicious coffee, it seems wrong somehow. I am so free that I can pick and chose what I do with my time, my career, my family and friends and other things...this is where freedom becomes dicey, because I get to chose my additions too.  Addiction sounds choiceless and in a world gone mad with narcissistic indulgences, addiction is presented as illness, a "oh the poor thing, something must have gone terribly wrong for them and they just can't help themselves" mentality.  Addiction is a convenience, at least it is for me, it is a checking out from responsibility and accountability for my abundant time, an unnecessary vacation from an amazing life. What am I addicted too?  Email, my cell phone, my iPad...all harmless, right?  Except when I do the one thing that God has commanded me NOT to do, and that is to love my devices more than the people in my life, and each time I ignore them for a device, it becomes a vice.  Huh, I just realized that vice is in the word device...a reminder perhaps?

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