Friday, December 13, 2013

Bare Bum Spanking

Have you ever had a bare bum spanking?  I heard this term from my friend Ramona, and I laughed really hard. She was speaking of being corrected, for her own good, by God.  God corrects His children out of can you do rightly if you aren't taught rightly in the first place?  I have had several of these spankings, from God, from friends, from family, from coaches. At first, there is a sting, a feeling of shame and than self recrimination, at least that USED to be my reaction!  I got called out by a fellow coach tonight, someone I respect, and I LOVED IT!  She told me it took her a week to finally be vulnerable enough to tell me what she was thinking. Wow!  She cared enough about herself, and my relationship with her, to express her feelings and thoughts and trust me to be big enough to handle it. Yeah, that's coaching for you.  We are reaching the close of certification and the coaches I love most care most about Co-Activity. Suzanne Gavin, this ones for you. 

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