Thursday, December 12, 2013


What you want to do with your life is important, why you want to do it is even more important. There has to be a reason, a why for your life. When I get feedback from clients, I take note what the impact is that I have on them.  This gives me a sense of the why part for what I do. I want to know that I make a meaningful difference in the lives of people I serve. I want to know that after they have been in my presence, and me in theirs, that we have shared something significant, something life altering, something bigger than just a passing of time. Why do what you do if it is a slow death of sameness, a giving away of self for yesterday's repeats?  If this is "it", how satisfied are you?  Will you be okay if five years from now the same is all you have?  When feeling into this question, what would you change, chase after, and why?  

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