Friday, December 27, 2013

Soul Food

I have a fabulous healer that I have worked with for years. She is intuitive and picks up on energetic blocks and than starts the process of healing by asking questions. The questions are within a time line and are a prompt for the client, for me in this case, to check out what emotions are trapped, what I am holding on to that does not serve me, that is an impediment to my peace, my unencumbered wholeness as a human.  Invariably, the lines of communication between my healer and my body and the soul it houses, are open. I too, am open, to being unstuck, unblocked, ready to learn about what I need to leave behind, let go of, forgive in another or myself so that I am available to the good stuff of which joy and love are made.  Sounds so other worldly, and of course, it is.  We are more than flesh and blood, we are spirit and today, the soul food I got was just what The Great Physician ordered.  This one is for you Cindy Palajac, much love. 

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