Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Busting Out

What are you trying to prove?  There are two, count em two, huge words in this sentence. Trying is the first and prove is the second. I got coached today in a triad call and the word prove came out of my mouth. I am so thrilled to write this with a grin on my face because I realized I was TRYING to PROVE many things on many levels. When I first practiced coaching, I would try to prove that my intuition was right; when I tried to problem solve with clients, I was proving how clever I am; when I articulated what was going on with the client, I was proving that I am a good listener, you get the idea. Today, I realized that in all my trying, I was attempting to prove to MYSELF, that I could do it, whatever it happened to be, and also that I wanted others to see and know that I can.  Today, I broke free and I DONT HAVE TO PROVE A THING, NOT TO ME, NOT TO ANYONE!  Hahahaha, I am filled with joy, inexplicable, busting open freedom joy!  I  am coach, with all the bells and whistles, skills and talents. I am human being, full of grace and love for myself AND for the other.  Sweet freedom, the jail door has sprung open and I am busting out of the cell of self disapproval and trying too hard. Yippy for me and I thank my God for coaching.

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