Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Okay, here I go, being cliche...IM SO EXCITED ABOUT 2014!  After Christmas, there is a hush, a lull, an anticipation for what is just on the horizon, a new dawn, a new day, a new whatever comes to mind as the hour approaches, and a gear shifts us into a new year of possibilities.  A year ago, I took a huge leap, jumped feet first into the world of coaching. What started last January has changed my life.  When I glance backward in time, I see the faces of the front of the room masterful coach leaders...they knew where the student coaches were headed, they had seen the wonder, the confusion, the insecurities and the innocence of the novice many times before.  Like knowing loving parents, they witnessed eggs hatching, baby birds flapping their immature coaching wings, and fledglings leaving the nest for virgin flights, only to hit the ground, shake off the impact and try flying again. Today I grin, appreciating what I have learned, Ioving what is now and what is not yet in view as I trust my wings, strong and able, keeping me airborne. 

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