Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Time Stops and Starts with The Birth of Christ

A monumental event happened some 2000 years ago, time stopped............and started again.  The event changed everything for eternity and as predicted since the dawn of man, came to pass in the birth of the God child, Jesus.  Nothing and no one has ever stopped and started time, nor will they.  God as creator set the moon and the stars and their schedule in the Heavens and He alone gives us time, unstoppable, untameable, and undeclared. We don't know when life will be given, or be taken, and He alone determines the length of life. In the case of Christ, the time was awaited, there was and is awe, and whether one declares Christ as personal Saviour or not, many around the world celebrate Christmas and share a kind of love and affection unheard of at other times of year.  The past and the present are not so different. The calendar is marked by the birth of Emmanual, God with us, and every Dec 25th, mankind stops, all of mankind...check the stock market, mans singular claim to fame, it too honours The King. 

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