Friday, December 13, 2013

Soil of My Soul

The unexamined life is not worth living. I borrow this phrase from where I cannot recall, it's truth speaking volumes.  There is an easy unconsciousness that we can all slip into.  The heavy lifting of old thoughts and patterns that weigh us down can be shrugged off, with conscious effort. Dis ease is a clue that there is a yet unnamed irritant, a certain something that wants to be noticed, spoken, altered. The heart is the seat of the soul, another borrowed expression, and when it skips a beat at a thought, it is sending a message that attention is required. That's how I know, that I have tripped upon a root of buried thought or feeling. Being aware, conscious, at choice and on purpose requires tenacity and willingness, the payoffs are strength of character, an integrated body, mind, soul, a knowing that this is the true meaning of life~a presence of being unmatched.  When I look at the root as it sits waiting on the surface, I am invited to go deeper, into the soil of my soul.

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