Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Say it and make it so

Setting intentions is powerful stuff. I participated in my final pod call today, an almost six month investment in my education as a Co-Active Coach. At the beginning of the call, my fellow students and I were asked to recall what intentions we had set at the beginning of certification.  Looking back, I see that what I set out to accomplish, I did.  To solidify this learning, our program leader took us through a visualization, a look to the future view of who we will be as coaches. At one point, I saw a stack of cards from clients, and inside, the words of Life and Purpose affirmed me. In five years from now, I will be more of what I already am, and some. We were asked finally, to make statements of how we see our future selves, and the gift that followed was a fellow coach sharing what they saw as a vision for the one that shared and also a longing that they had for the coach.  These statements were intention setting, now speaks to later, making knowing where you are going a possibility.  Say it and make it so.

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