Thursday, November 28, 2013


My last blog was about a repair bid, the souls way of breaking through and asking for healing, peace, reconciliation.  What about reconciliation with self?  This week I struggled between the me, the wild pony me, and fitting in with the tameness that others live by.  The wild pony me is curious and playful, lovingly nudging and edgy, with a crazy run for the fences and leap to the other side energy. In my wildness I send invitation, a come run with me and let's see what we will discover along the way.  Depending on who I'm with, I either run wild and free or, I feel the bite of the bit in my mouth, the backward pull and reigning in of what is natural. With their discomfort, I feel self conscious, unruly, and corralled.  Is it them or is it me?  Am I too much or are they not enough?  If I push, will they break or will they push back?  Palominos run with palominos...turtles don't run.  I think I have my answer.  This is for Keli, Julie, and Lauren. You are my paliminos.

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