Sunday, November 3, 2013

Faith in Things Unseen

What if your faith in things unseen was so large as to remove all doubt?  What if your faith in others was so deep that fear of loss and pain from disappointment never crossed your mind?  What if faith in yourself was so embedded, unquestionable and unfathanably larger than life that you said and did and  loved in such a way that others knew your pure intentions, and in so doing, knew your heart?  This is namaste, I see you. Namaste recognizes the beautiful part, the glorious display of the soul...the two parts of us, the me and you that make up the whole are sometimes warring.  We are at times, a house divided against itself. The base human gotta take care of me part says if I don't take care of me, who will?  The divine, God implanted part says, what about others?  How am I a servant?  What joy can I bring?  Who am I in humanity?  What mark will I leave?  Which part of the warring me will win and what legacy do I leave behind?  On my Sabbath, I want the divine to conquer, the faith in things unseen to win.

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