Friday, November 15, 2013


Whisssper. That's the word I heard in my head as I drove to a clients house for a training session this morning, whisssper.  I turned on my stereo and the queued up disc began to play and I was tempted to switch to another band, not sure if I was in the mood for the one singing away. I resisted the urge, and within the first sentence, the word whisper appeared along with the phrase, calling out my name.  The music is by Avalon, a Christian group.  God whispers in my ear and as He does this, He calls my name.  Tears of gratitude came along with a knowing that He sees me, hears me, but most importantly, He wants me to see and hear Him. Precognition, synchronicity, intuition, déjà vu, premonition, these are my gifts, my hearing and seeing Him, His way of communicating and when I listen to the message, it brings abundant joy, knowing that His message is Linda, I love you.  This is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that He speaks the words of Truth I need to hear, when I need to hear them.

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