Friday, November 8, 2013

Perfectly Happy

Yesterday...all my troubles seemed so far away (singing this Beatles like, in my head as I type) Yesterday was a crazy coaching day for me.  I got lessons all over the place, in my face lessons about the importance of infrastructure for policies and procedures; who my ideal client IS NOT; what transference looks and feels like, again; the damage projection from me to client can cause; what I can't be with; how keenly aware I must be of the context of self management; what is and what is full stop NOT, coaching.  Through it all, I was different from the me of yesteryear, I had a short self reproach pitty party after a not so well done on my part coaching session but than, I snapped out of it.  Accountability, immediate and with remorse came first, with an apology to the client.  Next came forgiveness, and a letting go of regret, followed by the learning, the thought that yeah, that session wasn't my best but I know what good coaching looks like, feels like, is.  With the knowing, I coached again, with two more clients...thankfully, I recovered, forgot about mistakes gone by and stayed present to the client(s) and I did what I know to be excellent coaching.  Phew, bitter sweet relief.  I'm not perfect, but I'm perfectly happy with that.

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