Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Love Is Immutable

I had a really cool revelation today about love, more specifically about its permanency.  When I was growing up, I heard the words I love you a lot. Today I thought about what I believe about love.  This wasn't my first foray into these investigative thoughts but today, I had the oh, I get it moment that gave me a real smiley face uplift...I mean I grinned from ear to ear for a good part of my dog walk after the epiphany.  In the Bible, there is a verse that reads "faith without deeds is dead". This speaks to love in action, and while I heard the words I love you often, I didn't believe them at any given moment because they seemed to come at me from good moods, or an overflow of the heart because the person speaking them was having a good day.  Was I loved, absolutely!  Was it demonstrated, yes, in infinite ways BUT...opposite messages were also delivered, often in silence, when the persons mood was less than happy, was miserable, or it was a "bad day".  Communication skills were not taught well in my household and so, there was always an insecure feeling, a not knowing of something...now I put my finger on the something, it is love. This not knowing feeling has presented, pattern like, in my relationships throughout the years, giving me the sense that love is a come and go kind of thing. God reminded me today of His immutability, that perception and feelings do not always clearly represent truth and that "His love endures forever". My Perfect Model gives love, Is Love, and I follow in His footsteps.

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