Saturday, November 16, 2013

Door Open

There has got to be something in the way of the door closing.  Blocked, stuck, immobilized. Doors are used to keep the cold out, strangers out, the world out.  Doors are used to define boundaries and invitation.  My door is always open to you is warm and welcoming.  I shut the door in his face is a violent expression, a do not enter, you are NOT welcome here message. Currently I am pondering open doors.  I like doors wide open or shut, with the lock on. I am fearful of the inbetween and the discomfort that comes with the not knowing.  I'm curious what is happening.  In the past, I would see ambiguity, indecisiveness and even judgement that goes something like this "make up your mind for goodness sake" if I found myself in the inbetween. Now I'm seeing that the undone part, the not knowing part, is the invitation in relationship, not for me to decide its fate, open or closed, but for the other to decide. I leave the door open, and I patiently and curiously wait...

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