Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Emotional Contagion

Emotional contagion...yeah, sounds like quite the disease. What I learned today is what I already knew, but with super charged awesome verbiage!  Our emotions are contagious, that's right, they are catchy.  Not only are emotions contagious, they are impossible to mask!  Here is the example I heard:
Before leaving the house for work, school, wherever, you have a disagreement with a family member/ room mate.  You know you have to face people and you decide that you will put on a happy face, leave that nasty argument behind and make the most of the day.  Good plan, but what you may not know is that people read your emotions, not the lying smile on your pretend happy face, and this confuses them.  Mirror neurons, the human truth detectors that let us know that behind the smile, there is a story, are Gods gift to humanity. You can't fake it till you make it, you gotta get through it, deal with whatever is making you a mess inside, come to some kind of peaceful resolution within before the smile can ever be perceived as genuine.  I love science, neuroscience in particular, because emotions don't lie, the brain does!  Follow your gut~it is the messenger of Truth and it tells you what IS every single time.

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